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06.01.21 - 08.01.21

Remote Learning 

Wednesday 6th January

Thursday 7th January

Friday 8th January



Hello my lovely Lion Class!

For the rest of this week, you will be staying at home with your parents and carers. I will be adding a variety of different teaching and learning activities in this section for you to complete over the next few days. Hope you enjoy them! 

Jane smiley


It would be great if your parents/carers could email me some photos of you completing these tasks.

Shake your sillies out!!!

Each day, before you begin your remote learning, listen to this fun song called: ‘Shake your sillies out!’ Have a little dance with your child and encourage them to move their arms/hands and legs.

The Gruffalo

On Monday, I read the children the story of :The Gruffalo'. Let your child watch this animated film of the story each day ... How do they respond?


Watch this ‘Gruffalo’ song together every day. Support the children to join in with this catchy song – Can they make the ‘grrrrrr’ sound?

Look closely at the characters in the story. Show your child each picture in turn. Name the animal and try and make the sound that animal would make e.g. owl - hooting, gruffalo - growling, mouse - squeaking etc. Encourage your child to name the animal and imitate the sound it makes.

The Gruffalo Song in Makaton

Watch this sung by Julia Donaldson and her husband Malcolm, they sing the Gruffalo song using Makaton signs.

Here are the makaton signs for the main characters in the story. Show your child the Makaton sign for each character each day. Help your child - hand over hand to do the signs themselves.


Hello everyone,

Could you please repeat 'Shake your Sillies' action song and all 'The Gruffalo' activities I set yesterday.  Then can you do some sensory cooking.

Thanks Jane 


Sensory Cooking

You can have lots of fun together creating some tasty treats and your child can have some lovely sensory experiences and learn at the same time. 

During cookery your child can:

  1. Develop their physical skills e.g. reaching out, touching, grasping the different ingredients and exploring them using their senses. Reaching out and holding equipment and utensils e.g. holding onto the spoon, moving the spoon in the bowl to stir etc.
  2. Showing a like or dislike for different textures, smells and if appropriate for your child, taste. 
  3. Asking for or showing a want for more.  When you remove a smell, texture or taste, look and listen for your child showing that they liked it and would like it again.  Reinforce this by saying “you want more”, show the more symbol if you have one and carry on. 

Try making some bread pizzas.

If you don't have the ingredients in your house, choose something else to make.

Bread Pizzas

  1. Spread tomato puree onto a slice of bread.
  2. Add grated cheese
  3. Add any toppings
  4. Cook in the oven until the cheese is melted


Hello everyone,

Hope your all well. Parents and Carers could you please repeat 'Shake your Sillies' action song and read 'The Gruffalo' story using the PowerPoint below to your child. Then you can try and draw or make a collage of a Gruffalo together.

If you have time, I have added a recipe for you to follow so you can make your own play dough and practice your child's fine motor skills to improve their physical development.

You have worked so hard at home this week. Well done! Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

See you in school on Monday! smiley

Thanks Jane 

SENSORY ART: Can you make your own collage of a Gruffalo? Remember when you are doing art and craft activities, the end product is not important, it doesn’t matter if what you make doesn’t look like it should. What is important is what your child does, learns and explores during the process. Have fun, get messy and get creative. We would love to see some of your creations if you are able to email them to us at school.

Make playdough at home.

Once you have made your own playdough, sing this song to your child while you help them to roll, squash and squeeze the dough. Can they roll/squash/squeeze the dough themselves? Do they notice the playdough changing shape?

Fine motor development | Playdough song | If you're happy and you know it

Watch this fun playdough song and using your playdough, support your child to copy the actions to hellp develop their fine motor control and coordination.

Dough dance/finger gym routine | Down in the Jungle | Nursery rhyme with playdough

Here is another song you can listen to - just copy the fine motor skills and support your child to do them e.g. squish/pinch/roll their playdough etc

'I like to' - Here is another playdough action song for you to listen to.

These playdough actions help make your child's fingers strong.
