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Good Morning Panda Cubs


English, Maths and Music today. Plus don't forget to keep practicing those spellings. I'd love to see how your work is progressing from earlier in the week, don't forget that you can email me




Continuing our work from last week in school and earlier in the week working from home, please watch this version of the story. I've also included a link for a cartoon that was developed from the characters in the story - I thought you might like to have a little watch. Talking of pirates - how were those packed lunches? 

After watching the story and cartoon, your task is to design your own treasure map. What would you bury? Where would you bury it? What key points of interest would be on your treasure map? Would you bury treasure in your neighbours garden like the story? 

Finally I've included the various parts for a pirate themed board game - you could play it with your adults or any other children in your house. 

The Pirates Next Door Starring the Jolly Rogers- Read Aloud books for kids





Green / Blue Table: again continuing our work from last week and earlier this week, we're going to use Oak National Academy for today's lesson. 


Red Table: continuing work on fractions that we looked at in school last week. Like Green and Blue table we are going to use Oak National Academy for today's lesson. 




Continuing on from the previous music lessons set for working at home, this lesson continues to look at singing about ourselves. 


That's everything today Panda Cubs, I'll see you again here tomorrow. 


Take care of each other and be good for your adults, 

