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General Information




  • 04.01.21 - School is open for children - beginning of Spring Term 2020
  • 05.01.20 -  Following last night's government's announcement school is closed - only key worker and vulnerable children should attend.
  • 06.01.21 - 08.01.21 - Lion class should remain at home and under go remote learning.
  • 11.01.21 - 15.01.21 - Lion class is open - Lion class children can attend school all this week.

  • 18.01.21 - 22.01.21 - Lion class should remain at home and under go remote learning.
  • 25.01.21 - 29.01.21 - Lion class is open - Lion class children can attend school all this week.
  • 01.02.21 - 05.02.21 - Lion class should remain at home and under go remote learning.
  • 08.02.21 - 12.02.21 -  Lion class is open - Lion class children can attend school all this week. 
  • 12.02.20 - Break up for Half Term. 
  • 22.02.21 - School should reopen - depending on future government's announcement - further details to follow.
  • 26.03.21 - End of Term 


Alternative Week Arrangements


  • If you child, or a member of your household, shows any symptoms, they must not attend school and must isolate at home. Testing is available for staff and children who show symptoms and Heather can give you more information on this if you ring school.
  • Please take your child's temperature each morning and do not send them to school if it is 37.8 or above.
  • All classes will continue to be 'cocooned'. Lion Class children and staff with remain in their own little bubble, in their class/outside area throughout most of the day.
  • There will be no swimming, whole class soft play, assemblies or out of school trips. We hope to resume these when it is safe to do so. 
  • Hand washing will occur regularly throughout the day. 
  • Regular cleaning of touch points, toys, tables, equipment etc will occur in an ongoing manner throughout the day.
  • Where possible, resources will not be shared between classes.
  • Social distancing will be followed as much as possible, though as you can appreciate, this will be more difficult in some classes than others.
  • There will be hot school dinners available and they will be eaten in class.
  • All parents and carers must wear a mask.
  • At the moment, parents and carers are unable to come into our school building so any messages can be written in the children's orange 'Home School Books'. Please phone school if you require any further information or want to speak to a member of staff. 

  • If essential, outside professionals e.g. physiotherapist, OT etc can come into school but it must be by appointments only.


Start and the end of the day arrangements will remain the same


  • Lion Class will promptly start school at 8:40am.
  • Lion Class will finish school promptly at 2:50pm. 
  • The children in Lion Class who are usually transported to and from school via bus will be travelling in their own class bubble in a bus of their own. Transport will be in touch with parents and carers before school commences to notify them with times of collection and drop offs.
  • All children in Lion Class will enter and exit school using their own classroom (entrance/exit) side door.
  • Parents and Carers who transport their children to school will be greeted by a member of staff within the school grounds at 8:40am and 2:50pm. Social distancing between adults and staff must be adhered to at all times. Parents/carers must wear a mask and stay outside of the school building.



Springwell School - Remote Learning


If your child is absent from school because they are unwell with symptoms of COVID-19 or any other illness we will not provide work. Your child will need time to recover and return to school as normal.


If your child is absent from school because they have been required to isolate and they feel well, we will contact you to agree work which you feel your child will be able to undertake at home. This will vary depending upon the class and your child’s special educational needs.


In the event of a whole class bubble having to isolate the class teacher will put the work for the whole class on the class page of the school website (in the same way as we did during the national lockdown).



Remote Learning in Lion Class

What to expect if your child is required to isolate at home and is well enough to undertake school work:


The class teacher will telephone on the first day of absence to agree appropriate learning tasks which you feel able to support your child with whilst at home.


“No-one expects parents to act as teachers. Parents and carers should do their best to help children and support their learning while dealing with other demands.”

DfE Guidance – Supporting your child’s education during Coronavirus


Learning tasks will be posted on the 'Lion' class page on the school website.


The class teacher will telephone again the following week to review the learning tasks and agree further tasks for the remainder of the isolation period.


Please note:


If a whole class bubble is required to isolate the teacher will be working from home. They will therefore need to call from their home phone/mobile and will withhold their personal number. Please do not phone the school office regarding your child’s learning tasks.


If you have any queries about your child’s learning tasks, please email using the following address:


A teacher will respond via email or telephone as soon as possible during school hours.


Thank you for your support and have fun learning with your child at home.
