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"Welcome to Toucan Class"

Our teacher is called Caroline, our HLTA is Kelly McClean and our teaching assistants are

 Sue, Chloe, Vicky and Millie.


We are an Early Years/Key Stage 1 ASD specific class.


This term our topic is 'Healthy & Active Lives'


Literacy - The Gruffalo, From Head to Toes, Funny Bones, The Enormous Turnip and A Very Snowy Christmas

Science - Ourselves

History - Guy Fawkes

Art - Active Art

D&T - Myself/Playground

Geography - Harvest and Food

RE - Shabbat and Christmas

Music - Action Songs

PHSE - Healthy Choices



October 2018


In art we have been exploring using paint in a variety of ways; brushing , blowing , pressing , stamping , flicking , syringing and rolling objects. We've used different types of paint including textured paint and powder paint. We've also explored clay and experienced moulding and, manipulating the product with our own hands and tools. We've produced some magnificent works of art!


September - October 2018


We read the story of The Gruffalo in class : We even went on a Gruffalo hunt at Wynard Park!




This is our Gruffalo display board!

This is our Gruffalo assembly presentation!


November 2018


We've looked at recognising our own photo and, photos of others as well as trying to match them to the corresponding voice. We made a class presentation and, inserted photos and sounds. We held a classroom disco and made and controlled our own playlist. Starting and,stopping the songs and, controlling the volume.


We also programmed BeeBots to follow a specific path!

Spring 2019 - This term our topic is, 'Stories'


Literacy - The Three Little Pigs, Commotion in the Ocean, Pirates Love Underpants and Chicken Licken'

Science - Traditional Stories and, Houses and Homes

History - Pirates

Art - Painting, Shape and Drawing

D&T - Puppets

Geography - Water

RE - Easter

Music - Stories and Sounds

PHSE - Celebration




January 2019

We looked at scientific concepts through some traditional tales and rhymes; Simple Simon met a Pie Man, The Little Red Hen, and Polly put the Kettle on. We explored how the structure of ingredients can be changed through processes such as adding liquid or heat. We made a cup of tea, a pie and some bread.


Febuary 2019

We've been looking at water; where we can find water within school , where we can find water within the locality , we visited the beach at Seaton Crew, the Marina and, the pond at Ward Jackson park. Water water everywhere!!!

Literacy / History 

March 2019

We've been reading this story about pirates - we've loved it! We turned part of the classroom into a ship, we dressed as pirates, we made pirate hats, we made wanted posters, decorated underpants and parrots. We visited the Historic Quay and explored the ships there. 

March 2019

Westview project -Osmotherly

We had a lovely day at the reservoir at Osmotherly we walked and explored the environment - we rested in hammocks , had our lunch by the stream and listened to the birds.

Summer 2019 - This term our topic is, 'The World and, Explorers'


Literacy - Dear Zoo, Why I love Australia, Sunny Day and, We're Going on a Picnic

Art - Aborigional Art

Design and Tech - Picnics

Science - Animals

Geography - Weather

History - Captain Cook

RE -Baptism

PSHE - Knowing Myself


May 2019

We've looked at a variety of animals over several weeks - we've also visited a variety of environments. We've been to Saltholme to look at birds, the school grounds to see minibeasts , the pet shop to explore animals that might live at home with us and Tweddle Farm. We can identify animals and their key features. 

Reading Cafe

We invited our parents into class to see the kind of literacy activities we can get involved with daily - mark making, dressing up, role play , reading books and crafts.


May 2019


We looked at the Christian celebration of Baptism. We visited St Luke's Church to experience a church environment and, re-enact a Christening service.