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Meet the Teaching Staff

Class Teachers: Aimee


Teaching Assistants: Sade, Hayley, Julie, Sue and Mia.




The children in Lion class follow the 'SPARKLE CURRICULUM' which is delivered in a multi-sensory, creative way which enables pupils to access learning using their senses.



· MOTIVATING Our pupils learn when they are interested, stimulated and engaged.

· RELEVANT It is relevant to the learning styles of the pupils and takes into account their prior knowledge and learning needs.

· CHALLENGING All teaching staff have high and realistic expectations of the pupils and with specialised, inclusive teaching — progress is evident.

· FOCUSED Shared targets from EHCP, Physiotherapists, OT, SALT etc. are central to the pupils provision.




1st May 2023 - Bank holiday 

8th May 2023 - Bank holiday 

18th-19th May 2023 - Springwell and Throston's 50th birthday

24th May 2023 - Tall ships - picnic in the park 

26th May 2023 - Training day - School closed to pupils

29th May- 2nd June 2023 - Half term 

5th June 2023 - Return to school 

12th-16th June 2023 - Holy island residential 

19th July 2023 - Leavers assembly at St Hilda's church 

20th July 2023 - End of term 

24th-27th July 2023 - Summer school 


Welcome to Summer term! Our topic is 'Explorers'. 


18.07.23 - Sensory parachute disco. We had lots of fun with music and colours, dancing and singing!

14.07.23- Hip Hip Hooray! Our friend Albie is 6 today!

Lots of smiles and giggles ! 

14.07.23 - Big well done to Roman this week for achieving the Wonderful Award. Amazing confidence and bouncing on the trampoline during rebound!

13.07.23 - Sports Day! Lions had fun taking part in parachute games, volleyball, bowling, obstacle races and boccia!

13.7.23 Literacy - Sensory story.

Maisie Goes On Holiday. Lion class enjoyed exploring the beach themed props (water, sand, train, bucket and spades).

12.07.23 - Fine motor skill activities - pegboards and mark making. 

11.07.23 - Art & Design: Sensory beach painting! We enjoyed painting with blues for sea and sprinkling sand on our beach pictures. 

07.07.23 - Having lots of fun getting messy in a sensory beach themed tuff tray.

04.07.23 - Pirate Day!

Lions had lots of fun participating in pirate activities - walking the plank, sword fights, water bomb cannon fights from pirate ships, and treasure hunts! We also enjoyed a trip to the Historic Quay Museum and explored the boats.

03.07.23 - Children enjoyed the interactive play mat in our sensory room today. They enjoyed taking turns initiating actions to create effects. 

23.06.23 - Making Pirate cupcakes in cookery this week! We all explored the ingredients first before taking turns to mix. 

20.06.23 - Today Lions enjoyed a visit from Bamboozle theatre company and loved participating in intensive interactions during a river themed sensory session. 


Lion Class enjoyed exploring new social situations and joined there friends watching the bubble man create bubbles of all shapes and sizes. 

14.06.23 - We are loving the sunshine today so we had a trip to Ward Jackson Park and played alongside each other in the play park.

13.06.23 - Understanding of the World - Outdoor and indoor pirate themed water exploration using all of our senses! 

25.05.23 - Parental Involvement.

Lions and Zebras 'Stay and Play' session with parents. We  enjoyed the story 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' and all joined in with the fun activities. We made bear toast and created bear paper plates. 

24.05.23 - Understanding the World & PSED  -Farm fun and playing in the sunshine!

18.05.23- Springwell and Throston school joint 50th birthday celebrations!

Today some pupils from Throston school came to collaborate with Lion class in party activities. They worked together to make a birthday cake and decorated their own birthday bunting using paint and sponges. 

17.05.23 - Attention Autism session!

16.05.23 - Sensory Play - Today we explored chocolate angel delight and rice crispies to replicate the mud from our 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' story. 

15.05.23 - Understanding the World - This afternoon we visited Bishop Cuthbert park. We explored the cave from our story this week of 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'. We all took it in turns to walk through the cave. 

" We can't go over it, We can't go under it, We have to go through it!" 

11.05.23 - Water Play! Today Lions enjoyed playing alongside each other in the water tray and splashing in the paddling pool. 

10.05.23 - PSED - Enjoying a teddy bears picnic linked to our new story of 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt'. 

10.05.23 - Physical and Sensory - Playing alongside each other on the indoor swing and self-regulating. 

09.05.23 - Expressive Arts and Design - Imaginative play. Having fun dressing up and acting out different characters!

05.05.23 - Celebrating the King's Coronation!

04.05.23 Literacy- Sharing a story.

All the children enjoyed our new story this week and exploring the props linked to the King's Coronation - 'Peppa and the King's Coronation'. 

04.05.23 - Attention Autism session and Music Session!


04.05.23 - Our weekly Fine Motor Skill activity set up for the children to explore and exercise their hand muscles- Using the tweezers to pick up materials to decorate our King's crowns!

03.05.23 - PSED - Lion class enjoying a Troll's picnic at Seaton park. 

02.05.23 - Expressive Arts and Design - This week we are celebrating the King's Coronation!

Our first activity is all ready for us to  get creative and messy by painting and decorating our own flags using red, white and blue paints and materials.

28.04.23- Our Lion Sparkler of the Week this week goes to Roman for good listening and following instructions. Well done!

27.04.23 - Communication and Interaction - No Pens Day! 

This afternoon we had our SALT assistant (Kyra) in class, decorating biscuits. The children had the choice of  different coloured icing and sprinkles and decorations. They used PECS to communicate their choices.

Fantastic communicating!


27.04.23 - Understanding the World- Today we had Animal story in visiting to show us all of the different animals. We handled snakes, hedgehogs, tortoise and a skunk. We were all very brave and held or stroked the different creatures, feeling their varied textured skin and fur. 

26.04.23 - Understanding the World - Tweddle Farm Fun! Linked to our story on 'Three Billy Goats Gruff' we visited the farm to find the goats. 

25.04.23 - Physical and Sensory - TACPAC - The boys enjoying a relaxing session, engaging in different sensory stimulations and listening to relaxing, calming music. 

This helps them to focus and engage for the rest of the days activities. 

24.04.23 - Mathematical Play!  Today the children engaged in a bridge building activity using stickle bricks. They practised their spatial understanding and early problem solving by exploring and manipulating the bricks in different ways. 

20.04.23 -  Expressive Arts and Design - Today in our cookery session, we made our very own 'Troll juice'. We worked on our independence skills and used plastic knives to cut up different fruits - grapes, mango, raspberries, strawberries, avocado and kiwi fruits. We added yoghurt and blended it to make a healthy smoothie. 

20.04.23 - Physical Development - Football!

We are loving this change of weather and exploring outside, mixing with other classes and children! 

19.04.23- Personal, Social and Emotional Development - Continuing to search for different bridges at Summerhill! We took it in turn to cross the bridge and we even found the troll lurking underneath!

17.04.23 - Understanding the World - Linked to our sensory story 'Three Billy Goats Gruff' we had fun at Bishop Cuthbert finding the bridges, pretending to be the goats trip trapping over the bridge. 
