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Thank You


A big thank you to all our parents for the support this year. We hope that your child has enjoyed this year in Jaguar Class.

Have a lovely summer.

Jaguar Class

Summer 2017


Our Topic this term is Old and New.


In Literacy we are reading Mrs Honey's Hat, Harry and the bucket full of dinosaurs, The Train Ride and The Rainbow Fish.

In Maths we are learning about counting, shape, space and measure.

In History we are learning about Dinosaurs and Seaside holidays in the past.

In Geography we are learning about when Barnaby Bear visited the seaside.

In DT we are making some containers for our dinosaurs and some moving pictures.

In Science we are learning about Oceans and Seas and Water.

In RE we are learning about Judaism and how Jews worship.

Our art and music work is linked to our topics and stories.

PE - each week, we use the trampoline, swim and have a PE lesson.

In ICT we will use the computer to make dinosaurs.


Please check our website regularly as we add photos and some of our work.


Thank you


Annette, Allison and Chloe



Here is our topic web for Summer 2017

Sports Day 14th July 2017. Jaguar Class had a great time trying out all the activities.

Monday 12th June 2017. As part of Science topic Jaguar Class visited Gisborough Hall to learn about fish with Chef Jason, then we had fish and chips for lunch.

Monday 15th May 2017 West View Project. The Gruffalo story and den building in Wynyard Woods on a very wet day.

Science: Our topic this half term is Water. We began by exploring some water in water trays. Some of Jaguar Class really enjoyed playing in the water, others needed some help to explore the water. Next time we will explore water toys.

Spring 2017


Our topic this term is What's for Tea? 

We will be learning about

Maths - numbers, shapes and measures

Literacy - Goldilocks and The Three Bears, Oliver's Vegetables, The Tiger who came to Tea and The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

ICT - We have feelings, We can understand messages, We are shape makers and We are community members.

Art- Exploring Fruit and Vegetables

RE - How is Jesus Special? and The Easter story

Music- Work with Tees Valley Music Service and Making Music from Kitchen Equipment.

DT - Food, Baker's shop and Chips with Everything.

History - The Great Fire of London.

Geography - Food from round the World

MFL - Chinese New Year

Science - Food


We will be exploring lots of different foods using our senses.

Keep checking our page for updates.


Annette, Allison and Chloe



What's for Tea assembly March 2017

Rebound -Each week the children in Jaguar Class use the trampoline for Rebound Therapy.

Wednesday 8th March 2017 : Visit by Scales and Tails. Jaguar Class enjoyed meeting the different animals today.

Tuesday 28th February 2017 Celebrating Shrove Tuesday. We learnt that Lent is a time before Easter when people give up some nice foods. We learnt that they made pancakes to use up all the flour, eggs and sugar before Lent. We made our own pancakes in class. While Allison cooked the pancakes, we watched Mr Wolf's Pancakes.

1st February 2017 Celebrating Chinese New Year. Jaguar Class tried some Chinese food as part of our celebrations.

18th January 2017. Jaguar Class made bread as part of our DT work. We enjoyed mixing and kneading the dough.

Over the Christmas Break Jaguar Class had new workstations built.

Welcome to Jaguar Class

The class teacher is Janis Moore and the teaching assistants are Annette, Allison and Chloe.

Our topic this term is Home and Away, we are going to be learning about South America in Geography as well as learning about the Olympics as they were held in Rio. We will also be finding out about rocks and sand and sound in Science. In History, we will learn about Guy Fawkes. 

In DT, we will learn about different types of houses and in Art and Music, we are having our own Brazilian Carnival.

November 2016. Our science topic was sound. We explored body sounds, played some instruments and then made our own instruments.

Meet Jimmy the Jaguar. He will visiting your house this term... watch out for him coming home....

2nd November 2016 Our story this week is Room on the Broom. We listened to the story and explored the props from the story.

Tuesday 6th October 2016 Trip to Asda to look at the different vegetables for our work on Harvest. We even had a drink in the cafe.

We also explored different vegetables in our sensory bin in class. We had great fun, touching them and smelling them.
