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Welcome to Jaguar Class


Jaguar Class is a class for children who have a diagnosis of Autism  and are aged between 6 years and 9 years old.

Communication Skills

The children will be encouraged to develop their communication skills through the use of sign, symbols, Picture Exchange Communication System and speech throughout the year.

Social Skills

The children will take part in various activities in the community such as visiting local shops and cafes, parks. We also swim each week at Millhouse swimming pool.

Children are encouraged in class to turn take and take part in class activities.


Our topic this term is Entertainment.

Children take part in class activities, one to one work with an adult in class and then complete their workbox activity following the TEACCH approach to consolidate their skills and learning.

Each child follows a personalised  path  building on their skills and learning new skills through small steps and repetition.


The class staff are

Janis Moore Class Teacher

Allison, Chloe and Jo M are the Teaching Assistants.


We hope that you enjoy looking at our class page throughout the year. We will post some of the activities and work that we have done over the year.


Thank You

Janis, Allison, Chloe and Jo.


Summer Term 2018


We hope you all had a good break during the Easter holidays apart from the weather.

Our topic this term is Nature.


We have lots of exciting things planned for this term.


Here is our topic web for the Summer Term.

Week beginning 16th April 2018.


This week we are beginning our new topic of Nature.


Literacy - our story is Oliver's Vegetables. We are exploring the vegetables through our senses, printing with them.

Maths - Money, we are matching coins, going to Asda to buy some vegetables.

History and Music - with Annette our HTLA. We are learning about The Royal Family, hopefully a new baby soon and a wedding to celebrate. In music we are learning about and making different instruments.

Science - we are looking at different plants we might see around school. We are also sorting animals and plants.

ICT - We are drivers - looking at wheeled toys before looking at road signs.

PHSE - Looking after our local environment - talking about our favourite places in Hartlepool.

Swimming, PE and Hydropool.


Please check back to see some of our work.


Our trip to Asda to buy some vegetables.

Week beginning 23rd April 2018


This week we are learning about


Monday - a forest day with West View Project linked to our topic of Nature.

Literacy - Oliver's vegetables . We will make and try some soup.

Phonics - Listening games, the letter sounds j and er.

Maths - work on money, buy some fruit in Tesco.

History and Music with Annette our HLTA

Science - learning about plants and planting some bulbs.

ICT - walking round the area, looking for road signs and traffic crossings.

PHSE - talking about our favourite places in Hartlepool.

Soft Play, PE and Swimming and Hydrotherapy Pool.


Keep checking for pictures of our work.



Week beginning 30th April 2018


This week we are learning about

Literacy - Oliver's Vegetables . We are making our own chips and trying them,  looking at vegetables in the supermarket.

Maths - making sets of objects.

Phonics- Listening Games and the sounds z and ar

Soft Play

History and Music with Annette

Science - Looking at plants.

PHSE - labelling the different rooms in a house.

Swimming and PE and Hydrotherapy Pool.


Please keep checking for photographs.


The Royal Wedding May 2018

Week beginning 21st May 2018


After a busy couple of weeks celebrating the Royal Wedding and enjoying the sunshine Jaguar Class have been busy learning about roadsigns, positional language in our story Rosie's Walk.


This week we are learning about:

Literacy - Rosie's Walk using positional language, decorating masks, sequencing the story and acting out the story.

Maths - positional language - putting things on, in and under and getting the beebots to move forwards and backwards.

Soft Play and Outside Learning - making the most of the Sunshine.

History - the Royal Family and Music with Annette our HLTA.

Science - looking at trees and naming the different parts of trees.

PHSE - Looking at our homes and the different rooms.

Art - Monet The Waterliles using our fingers to make our paintings.


Swimming and Hydrotherapy Pool.


Please check back for photographs.

Using the Beebot in Maths. We followed the cards with help to move the beebot.

Week beginning 4th June 2018


We hope that you had a good half-term holiday.

This week we are learning about:

Literacy -Wow ! said the owl linked to our science work on colours, we are writing about what the owl said, practicing using our PECS.

Maths - Couting and Adding two sets of objects or numbers.

History and Music - with Annette our HLTA.

Art - Monet paintings

RE - Learning about Eid

DT -Trying different foods

Swimming, soft play and hydrotherapy pool.


Please keep checking for photos.

Visit from Maisie the Pat Dog.

Our powerpoint on Colours from our assembly.

Week beginning 18th June 2018


This week we are learning about

Literacy - Wow said the Owl - sequencing the story, using PECS to exchange for items.

Maths - measuring - making cakes, exploring measuring equipment.

Bus- Visit to Ward Jackson park as part of our Geography Work on the local area.

History and Music with our HLTA Annette.

History - All about the Egyptians - making pyramids, writing our name in hieroglyphs

DT - trying different foods

RE - celebrating Eid

Swimming, PE and hydrotherapy pool.


Please keep checking for our work.

Sports Day 29th June 2018

Visit to Daisy Chain Monday 2nd July 2018. We fed the animals, played in soft play and planted a bean. We played outside before we went home.

Spring Term 2018


We hope that you all had a good Holidays and enjoyed the break.

We have lots of exciting activities for this term.

Our new topic is Journeys.



Week beginning 8th January 2018


Literacy - Our story is Whatever Next! about Baby Bear's journey to the moon. We will be using PECS to request items to cut and colour, act out part of the story, decide what Baby Bear might say in parts of the story.

Maths - We are counting and ordering numbers this week.

Rebound and Soft Play

Phonics - our sounds this week are ng and r as well as playing listening games and singing rhymes.

Science and ICT with Annette, our team HLTA

DT - learning about different vehicles.

RE- different stories from the Bible starting with Noah's Ark

PHSE - Knowing myself and looking how people are different.

Swimming and Hydrotherapy and PE - where we practice our self help and independence skills by dressing and undressing.


Please keep checking for photos and work.


Thank you

Jaguar Class

Harry tells our story "Whatever Next!"

Whatever Next ! Off to the moon like Baby Bear in our rocket with our space helmet on.

Our New Year's Resolution is to Solve Maths Problems, we have been ordering number this week. We are also finding one more than a number using number lines and the big number tiles.

Week beginning 15th January 2018


We were very busy last week and we have lots of exciting things planned for this week.

Literacy - We are reading Whatever Next!, this week we will be making rockets and Baby Bears and we will use our PECS books to request things we need. We are going to bake moon cakes and talk about what we did using symbols to help us. We will also practice our handwriting.

Phonics - we will play a listening game and have to guess the instrument, our letter sounds are m and oo.

Maths - we are singing 5 little men in a flying saucer and then we are sequencing numbers to 20 and finding 1 more than a number.

Rebound Therapy and Soft Play

Science and ICT with Annette our HLTA

DT - We are sorting vehicles into different types and exploring a toy bus, and labelling the different parts.

RE - Our Bible Story this week is Jonah and the Whale, we will act our the story using our builder's tray and we will make our own whale pictures with a Jonah hiding inside.


PHSE - we are learning about how people are different and we are going to draw self portraits.

PE with Scott

Hydrotherapy Pool.


Please keep checking for updates.


Janis and Jaguar Class

Pedro the Penguin | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!

Episode 4 | Pedro the Penguin | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure! A kids yoga story all about persistence and following your dreams! Learn to teach kids yoga with Jaime: Like Cosmic Kids on Facebook: Stream all our videos ad-free: You can buy this on a DVD!

Week beginning 22nd January 2018


This week we are learning about


Literacy - Whatever Next! is a our class story, we will be talking about what we can see in the story and colouring bears using our PECS books. We will also sequence the story this week.

Maths - we are adding two sets together this week, some of us will begin to use a number square to help us add and others will use cubes.

Rebound Therapy and Soft Play.

Geography and Topic Work - we are going to visit the station to see the trains and find out what happens on a train journey.

DT - we will use duplo to make our own vehicles.

RE - we are learning about the story of Joseph and his coat of many colours.

Science and IT with Annette, our HLTA

PHSE - drawing self -portraits


Hydrotherapy Pool to practice our dressing skills.

Visiting the Railway Station. We saw a train that went to London and a train that went to Middlesbrough.

Week beginning 29th January 2018


This week we are learning about....


Literacy - Our new story is The Gingerbread Man. We are acting out the story, colouring Gingerbread Man and cutting out pictures from the story and using our PECS books to request what we need.

Phonics -our sounds are g and sh this week.

Maths- we are adding two sets of objects or numbers.

Rebound and Soft Play

Science and ICT with Annette our HLTA

DT - we are building a car with Duplo

RE- We are listening to the story of Daniel in the Lion's Den and making Paper plate Lions.

Swimming and PE and Hydrotherapy Pool - to practice our dressing and undressing skills.

PHSE - we are looking at how people change as they grow.


Keep checking for updates.

Week beginning 5th February 2018


The last week before half term and we are busy this week.


Literacy - Our story is The Gingerbread Boy and we having a sensory session using gingerbread salt dough our PECs books to request things we might need.  We are also going to make our own Gingerbread Men and we are going to sequence the story.

Maths.- We are working on our Class New Year Resolution to solve maths problems by practicing our adding skills using cubes, number lines and number squares.

Phonics - our sounds this week are o and th.

Rebound Therapy and Soft Play

Science and ICT with Annette, our HLTA

On Wednesday we are going on our train journey to Middlesbrough as part of our topic work.

Swimming and Hydrotherapy pool to help with our dressing skills.

PHSE - looking at how we have changed as we have grown up.


Keep checking back for photographs of our week.

Our Trip to Middlesbrough on the Train

Week beginning 26th February 2018


This week we are learning about...


Literacy - The Very Hungry Caterpillar - making caterpillars out of salt dough, telling the story with props, talking about what the caterpillar said and visiting Space to Learn.

Phonics - Qu and U sounds

Maths - Time, seqeuncing days of the week and telling the time to the hour.

Rebound Therapy and Soft Play

Science and ICT with Annette our HLTA

Geography - experiencing a beach holiday in Spain (on the coldest week of the year).

Art - Making our own Picasso prints

PE and Swimming

Hydrotherapy Pool to practice our dressing skills.


Week beginning 5th March 2018


We hope you all enjoyed the snow last week and made the most of it.

This week we will be completing work that we missed last week due to the snow.


Literacy - The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Maths - work on time

Practicing our assembly about our Train Ride.

Geography - experiencing a holiday in Spain - with sand and water play.


Art- learning about Spanish artists and making our own Picasso pictures.

PE and Soft Play


We will post some of our work on the website.

Our Spanish Holiday Adventure.

Week beginning 12th March 2018


This week is Pi Day (Maths) on Wednesday 14th March 2018.

Literacy - Our new story is Duck in the Truck.

Maths - Doubling and halving.

History - Seaside Holidays in the past.

Art - Spanish Artists

Art - beginning Easter Crafts


PE and Hydrotherapy Pool.


Please check for photos.

Wednesday 14th March 2018 Pi Day. We made Pizzas and cut out ham and cheese circles for our pizza.

Our Topic Web for Journeys Spring 2018

Our Topic Web for Autumn 2017 - Entertainment

Week beginning Monday 11th September 2017


This week we will be learning about:

Literacy Our story is Kipper's Toybox.

Maths we are counting.

Rebound, PE and Swimming.

Letters and Sounds  Some listening Games, the letter t and how to spell and read words.

Geography We are visiting a playground to explore the equipment.

In ICT we are exercising and using symbols to say how we feel after exercise.

Music we are listening to and dancing to Disney Songs.

Art Exploring materials with our hands and paintbrushes

As well as Yoga, Our OT programmes and Therapy Pool.

Sensory Mark Making In Literacy. We made marks in the shaving foam.

Week beginning 18th September 2017


This week we will be learning about

Literacy- Kipper's Toybox

Maths - counting

Letters and Sounds - listening games, the letter a and reading and spelling words

Geography - Visiting a park to explore the play equipment as part of our work on playgrounds -while the weather is still nice (hopefully!). Then we will design our own playgrounds.

ICT - We will video ourselves exercising and using the playground equipment in school.

Music - We are listening to Disney songs and joining in with instruments.

Art - we are exploring different materials.

Swimming, PE, Rebound, Therapy Pool

Along with Yoga, our individual OT programmes and outside play and soft play.


Thank you 

Jaguar Class

Exploring Ward Jackson Park. The swings are our favourites in Jaguar Class

In Maths we have been counting things.

Week beginning 25th September 2017


This week we are learning about...

Literacy: Our story is The Big Red Bath

Maths: We are counting and beginning to add objects together.

Letters and Sounds: The letter p. Blending and reading words and matching words to pictures and listening games.

Rebound Therapy

Geography/Bus: We will visit Summerhill Park to explore the playground.

DT and RE with Annette.

Science: Exploring toy cars for our topic on cars.

ICT: Looking at food we like and don't like using pictures to record our answers.


Music: Listening to songs and playing instruments

Art: Exploring different materials.

PE and Soft Play

Therapy Pool.


We're Going on a Bear Hunt | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!

Jaguar Class have been learning the Yoga Poses in September and they really enjoy it.

Week beginning 2nd October 2017


This week we are learning about

Literacy: Our story is The Big Red Bath and we are working on using our PECS to develop our communication skills in Literacy.

Letters and Sounds: Listening games and the letter i and the ai sound

Maths: Counting and Adding

Rebound and Soft Play

Geography: Visit to Hardwick Park to explore the park and grounds

DT and RE with Annette.

Science: Exploring cars and ramps.

ICT: Playing a game about sorting healthy and unhealthy foods.

Art: Practicing our cutting skills to make circus pictures.

PE, Swimming and Hydrotherapy Pool



We will add some photographs through the week.

No Pen Wednesday 4th October 2017. One of our favourite activities is exploring the shaving foam and making marks. We also made all the animal noises for the animals in our story Big Red Bath.

Week beginning 9th October 2017


This week we will be learning about :

Literacy: The Big Red Bath - we will be using PECs to request items to make collages, sequencing the story.

Maths - Shapes around us, sorting shapes.

Letters and Sounds - listening games the letter n and the oa sound.


Geography/Art - visiting Herrington Country Park to look at Autumn, hopefully find some leaves for our Art work.

DT and RE with Annette.

Art with our Autumn Leaves and sensory playdough.

ICT - e-safety work on staying safe on the internet.


Science Toys - exploring different balls and how they move.

PE and Soft Play

Hydrotherapy Pool.


We will add photos throughout the week.

Science Exploring Balls. We played with the balls afterwards but we were too busy to take photos.

Maths We looked for shapes around school and went on a shape walk.

Week beginning 16th October 2017


The last week of the half term.

This week we are learning about...

Literacy - Our new story is Meg's Egg, we will using dough and making spells.

Maths- Pattern -we will making our own repeating patterns.

Rebound Therapy

RE and DT with Annette - The South America Team HLTA

Hopefully visiting Herring Country Park to finish our Geography on playgrounds.

Science - We are carrying out an experiment to see how far the balls can roll.

ICT - work on e-safety and people that we can trust.


Yoga - our yoga this month has been Squish the Fish.


Then we break up on Thursday.

Have a great Half Term week.


Squish The Fish | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!

Our Yoga for October 2017

Week beginning 30th October 2017


This week we will be learning about ....


Literacy - Meg's Egg baking Halloween biscuits, sequencing the story.

Phonics - Listening game, the letter n and oa sounds.

Maths - Measuring using non standard measure, using language about size big, bigger, small

Rebound Therapy

Bus visit to Toys R Us to begin our History topic on Old and New Toys.

DT and PHSE with Annette

Science - exploring balloons and making own hot air balloons

ICT - recording soundtracks, exploring the microphone and listening to our voices.

History - sorting toys into toys we like and toys we don't like.

Hydrotherapy Pool



We will add pictures and some work during the week.

Ruby Broom | A Halloween Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!

A Cosmic Kids yoga adventure for Halloween! 👻 Episode 47! A kids yoga adventure for kids aged 5+. In our Halloween Special we meet Ruby Broom. Now, Ruby's a witch and the kids at school have been teasing her about it.

Baking Halloween Biscuits.

Week beginning 6th November 2017


This week we are learning about


Literacy - Giraffe's can't dance is our new story.

Maths - We are learning about measuring, using words to describe size and measuring things with non-standard measures.

Letters and Sounds -listening games, the oa and n sound.

Rebound Therapy

History -Bus to visit Preston Park to look at the old toys. Also sorting toys into toys I like and toys I don't like.

PHSE and DT with Annette

Science- looking at windmills and making our own windmills.

ICT - recording and listening to ourselves using the microphone.


PE and Soft Play


We will add more photographs during the week.


Week beginning 20th November 2017


This week we are learning about ...

Literacy -Our story is still Giraffe's can't dance. We will be sequencing the story this week.

We are also using PECS to request items and to find items.

Phonics is the letter e and the ee sound.

Maths - we are counting objects to find out how many. Some of using are adding two groups of objects/number together to find the total.

Rebound and Soft Play

Bus to visit Preston Park to look at old and new toys.

Science - To make a parachute.

ICT - To record our own voices

History - To explore old and new toys.


Swimming and Therapy Pool.


Keep checking for photos during the week.

We hope you enjoy our singing. We recorded our voices in ICT.

Week Beginning 27th November 2017


This week we are learning about


Literacy; Giraffes can't dance - we are dancing during the story too. Some of us are using out PECS to comment on what we can see, some of us are using our PECS to play a matching game and some of us are requesting the animals from the story to play with.

Maths - We are sorting this week and finding out about our favourite programmes and things we like to eat.

Letters and Sounds, playing listening games, some of us are learning about the or sound and the other group are learning about the h sound.

Rebound Therapy and Soft Play

Bus to visit our local area.

PHSE and DT with Annette, South America's HLTA

Science - exploring dominoes and watching them fall after you build a domino run.

ICT - filming ourselves using the iPad.

History -looking at old and new toys.


Hydrotherapy Pool.


Please keep checking as we will add things during the week.


Jaguar Class

Week beginning 4th December 2017


This week we are busy with Christmas Preparations.

Learning our Christmas Songs for the play and nativity.

On Wednesday we have a Panto in School to watch.

We still find time to fit in swimming and soft play.


Jaguar Class

Week beginning 11th December 2017


This week we are busy for final preparations for the play.

Christmas Play -Tuesday and Wednesday

A visit to Space to Learn to watch a Christmas story on Tuesday afternoon

Christmas Crafts

Swimming and Soft Play this week as well.

Don't forget Friday is our Christmas Fayre.



Kids Yoga Christmas Special! | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!

A very special Cosmic Kids yoga adventure for Christmas! We go to the North Pole in search of Santa. Can we find him? :-) Learn to teach kids yoga with Jaime: Like Cosmic Kids on Facebook: Stream all our videos ad-free: Have you seen our DVDs?

Week beginning 18th December 2017


The last week is here and another busy week.

Nativity Service at St Hild's Church on Monday.

Christmas Party on Wednesday

Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas lunch on Friday.


Enjoy your break.


Janis, Allison, Chloe and Lynn.

