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Internet Safety

The internet can play an important, powerful role in our children's education today. However, it can also bring risks, so together as teachers, teaching assistants, parents and carers we all must do everything we can to help our children stay safe online at school and at home.

Teachers recommend that our children should only access safe and trusted sites online when at school and at home.
When at home, parents and carers must regularly monitor their child when using their online appliances (laptop, mobile, iPad, game console, Xbox etc) to ensure they are safe at all times.


In school, we filter inappropriate online content and we are always educating our children about how to stay safe online. It will be fantastic if parents and carers ensure that their children are only using safe, trusted, child friendly online sites at home and make frequent checks that they are staying safe.


Where can I go to get support to help keep my child safe online?

There is a lot of support available to keep your child safe online. Below are some useful links to help parents and carers:

  • Thinkyouknow (advice from the National Crime Agency to stay safe online)
  • Internet matters (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online)
  • Parent info (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online)
  • LGfL (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online)
  • Net-aware (support for parents and careers from the NSPCC)










INTERNET SAFETY AT HOME - Here are 5 SMART internet safety rules which your child needs to keep in mind while they are online.
