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01.02.21 - 05.02.21

Remote Learning 

Monday 1st February 2021

Tuesday 2nd February 2021

Wednesday 3rd February 2021

Thursday 4th February 2021

Friday 5th February 2021



Hello my lovely Lion Class!

For the rest of this week, you will be staying at home with your parents and carers. Last week in school, we have been reading a new  story called: 'The Gruffalo's Child'. I have added a variety of different teaching and learning activities related to this story in this section for you to complete over the next few days. Hope you enjoy them! 


It would be great if your parents/carers could email me some photos of you completing these tasks.

Shake your sillies out!

Each day, before you begin your remote learning, listen to this fun song called: ‘Shake your sillies out!’ Have a little dance with your child and encourage them to move their arms/hands and legs.

The Gruffalo's Child - Read by Alan Mandel

Let your child listen to this story? Do they recognise the familiar characters? e.g. Gruffalo, mouse, owl, fox, snake

Look closely at the characters in the story. Show your child each picture in turn. Name the animal and try and make the sound that animal would make e.g. owl - hooting, gruffalo - growling, mouse - squeaking etc. Encourage your child to name the animal and imitate the sound it makes.

The Gruffalo's Child Music - Deep Dark Woods

Let your child listen to this song.

Can you create a foot print of the Gruffalo and the Gruffalo’s Child? Maybe your parent or carer could create the Gruffalo with their foot and you can create the Gruffalo’s child. Hope you enjoy this creative activity!

This week is 'Children's Mental Health Week 2021'. The theme is 'Express Yourself' Please support your child in doing something they really enjoy at home. Please take some photos of your child and email me them.


Physical Development
Please can you support your child to complete their individual physio programs.




Reading - Multi-Sensory Story - Homework Pack

Read your child their story in the reading pack we sent home last week. If your child wasn't in school last week - choose a story that you have at home to read to your child.


Using the PowerPoint below, read your child the story of 'The Gruffalo's Child'.

Identifying Characters

In your child's remote learning pack this week - there are some pictures of the characters. Show your child these characters one by one – naming each one in turn. Encourage your child to repeat the character's name. Encourage your child to make the sound of each animal e.g. mouse - squeak, snake - hiss, owl - hooting, Gruffalo - growling etc.

From a choice of two characters – Can your child find a specific character using their eyes?

E.g. Can you find the Gruffalo?

Can you find the Gruffalo's child?

Can you find the snake?

Can you find the big, bad mouse?

Can you find the fox?

Can you find the owl?

Can you find the cave?


WINTER STORY SETTING - Can you make your own snow using baking soda and shaving foam? Support the children to mix them together using their hands. Can the children make a snowball? Together make as many snowballs as you can and count them? How many snowballs have you made altogether?

How to make fake snow in two minutes.

Science - Look back through the PowerPoint of 'The Gruffalo's Child'. Look closely at the illustrations - what other animals can you see hiding in the forest? If possible, go out for a little walk to the park or to the woods, what animals can you see?

Maths - Sing this Gruffalo number song to your child again.

Gruffalo World - The Gruffalo's Child Clips Compilation

03.02.21 Let your child watch this animated version of 'The Gruffalo's Child' story based on Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler.

Can you help your child to draw a picture of the big bad mouse?

Physical Development
Please can you support your child to complete their individual physio programs.

04.02.21 Let your child watch this different version of the story today.

Find out about the different footprints of different creatures. Can you draw some of these?

THE OWL'S FEATHERS - Support your children to explore these multi-coloured feathers using their hands. What do they feel like? Blow a feather high into the air – Can your child track the feather using their eyes until it falls onto the floor? Hold a feather in the palm of your hand and position near your child’s mouth. Encourage your child to blow the feather off your hand. Discuss with your child, owls are covered in feathers. Support your child to stick the feathers onto the owl below.

05.02.21 - The Gruffalo's Child Meets The Big Bad Mouse!

Can you make your own shadow puppets? Create a big bad mouse puppet that will scare away the Gruffalo’s child.

Can you make these character shadow puppets?

Reading - Multi-Sensory Story - Homework Pack

Read your child their story in the reading pack we sent home last week. If your child wasn't in school last week - choose a story that you have at home to read to your child.



Well done to you all! You have worked extremely hard! Don't forget to bring into school all your completed work when you next return to school. Parents/carers if you have taken any photos of your child completing home learning activities could you please email me them. For those children who are coming into school, I will see you on Monday. Hope you all have a lovely weekend! 

Jane x

