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See what we've been up to in Autumn term!

(Posts displayed Newest to oldest)

16/12/24 - Christmas Party

What a fabulous time we had at our Christmas party! We danced, played games and ate lots of delicious food.

13/12/24 - Art

During our Art lessons, we have been working on our printing skills with Kelly.

12/12/24 - Christmas Performance

We loved singing and signing 'Rocking Around the Christmas Tree' in the Christmas performance. You can find the full performance here:

9/12/24 - English

We worked together to label the features of a poster. We then used these ideas to create our own lost poster to find the "missing" toys from our book 'Lost at the Museum'.

9/12/24 - Maths

We have been working on our understanding of place value and using Base 10 to make numbers up to 100. We made comparisons to find the greater number.

6/12/24 - Christmas Activity

We took part Christmas activities which included some sensory experiences. We loved stepping into the icy cold trays and dancing in the snow foam. We took part in a treasure hunt to win a prize and practised our snowball throwing skills by knocking down cans. At the end, we created a special decoration which we could take home.

4/12/24 - Christmas Activity

As a treat, Shark class enjoyed a Christmas movie in the light and sound room. We stopped half way for hot chocolate and a giant cookie break!

29/11/2024 - English

Sharks have been working hard on their story writing skills. Over the last term, we have been polishing up our sentence structures and using description and put it all together to create our own stories. We took our inspiration from the Funnybones book and created an alternative version of it.


When we were done, we explored story reading skills and then read our stories to our peers. We thought about our pace, volume and intonation. Some of us even added actions to draw our listeners in!

29/11/24 - Maths

In group 2, we used place value counters to make numbers up to 100. We could recognise the number of tens and ones in each number and could find amounts greater and less than a given number.

27/11/2024 - Computing

Last week, we explored how computer models work and how they can be used to represent real or imaginary environments, situations or scenarios. We looked at different games and discussed with a friend whether we thought the game was the same/different to real life.


This week, we looked at how computers can be used to make choices. We investigated modelling software where choices are given and a decision has to be made. We had to click, drag and point to play our games.

22-11-2024 - DT

In DT, our focus was measuring using scales. We followed a recipe to measure ingredients to create rocky road bites. 

18-11-2024 - Maths

Some of us used manipulatives to solve simple addition sentences. We focussed on one-to-one correspondence counting to make sure we were being accurate with our answers.


Shark Class enjoyed a trip to the cinema this morning! We weren't sure what to expect with our choice of movie "Kensuke's Kingdom" but we all thought it was amazing! We enjoyed relaxing in the reclining chairs and enjoying some snacks. The adults were very impressed with how we represented our school!

13/11/24 - Computing

In Computing, we have continued to develop our understanding of algorithms. In pairs, we created an algorithm for making a Lego model. Our partner predicted what that Lego model might look like based on the simple algorithm and then tested our prediction by following the instructions.

7/11/24 - PE

In our gymnastics unit, we have been practising a variety of rolls, which includes an egg, pencil and teddy bear roll. Once we'd perfected our rolls, we put them together to create a sequence of movements with a starting and finishing pose. We evaluated our performances.

6/11/24 - Computing

Our focus in Computing has been algorithms. We took turns being the computer and gave simple instructions to build a Lego tower.

24/10/24 - Spooky Season

Shark Class enjoyed being able to dress up in fancy dress or wear their own clothes for the day.


In the afternoon, we had fun making Halloween crafts. We made cotton bud skeletons, decorated our own Halloween-themed decoration and had a Pumpkin colouring-in competition! 

23/10/24 - English and History

Shark class enjoyed an afternoon in Seaton as part of our History and English topics.


In History, we compared what the present day seaside is like compared to the Victorian seaside we had been learning about. There were some similarities that we found like the promenade and beach huts, but we noticed lots of things that had changed such as the arcades and how people got to the seaside. We even asked the ice cream man if he had penny lickers but he didn't seem to know what we were talking about! 


Whilst at the seaside, we also gathered information ready to write our seaside poem in English. We sat on the beach and considered what we would see, hear, smell and touch. We also had a taste of some ice cream!


Because we worked so hard, we finished the afternoon with a play at the beach and the park.

22/10/24 - Liz Million Visit

What a fantastic opportunity we have had! We have been so luck to have the illustrator Liz Million come into school to teach us how to draw. Our theme was under the sea and she taught us how to draw a shark.

22/10/24 - Science

In Science, we have been comparing and sorting objects based on its material. We used a Venn diagram to sort each item and realised that sometimes an object might need to go in the center as it had both materials!

16/10/24 - Computing

In Computing, we have been working on the basics of an algorithm. We hid an object under the cups and then gave simple, clear instructions for our "computers" to find the object. We worked out that if our instruction was not clear and concise then our computer kept doing the wrong thing!

10/10/24 - Road Safety

Whilst half our class were out visiting Crucial Crew at the Power Station, the rest of us went for a walk to learn about road safety. We considered where the safest place to cross would be and how we can safely get across the road. 

9/10/24 - Science

In Science, we have been exploring the question 'Are all materials absorbent?'


We were given a selection of materials and then worked together as a class to come up with a way of investigating the question. We predicted what we thought the answer would be.


In small groups, we tested the materials to see how much water was absorbed. We found that not all materials are absorbent and that the sponge was the most absorbent! Some of us had already predicted this as they remembered that some of us use sponge to wash ourselves and the dishes.

19/9/24 - PE

Our topic in PE this half term is Football. Last week, we focussed on the skill of dribbling. This week, we have been practising passing the ball using these dribbling skills. We really enjoyed playing the Tom and Jerry game, and also our final challenge where we had to try and get the ball to our team member on the other side of the cones.

12/9/24 - Literacy

We have been reading the book 'Gorilla' by Anthony Browne and have really been enjoying it. We described the gorilla using lots of great description and also had a go at putting the story in time order.


Next week, we will be working towards writing a diary based on where we would go for fun if we were Hannah and the gorilla.
