08.01.25 - We have had an good first week back. This week we all got wrapped up and had a sensory outdoor assembly. It was very fun!
20.12.24 - This afternoon we had a special visit from Santa!!! The children all got a gift from Santa for Christmas. We hope you all have a lovely Christmas and will see you all in 2025.
This week Elephant class have been very busy preparing for Christmas. We have done lots of arts and crafts.
17.12.2024 - Today was our Christmas party. We had lots of fun dancing to the music, playing pass the parcel and eating lots of party food.
13.12.24 - Today we had our Christmas performance, the children did so well!
06.12.24 - Today we all enjoyed some sensory Christmas activities. We had so much fun getting very messy.
4.11.24 - Today we had a share a story afternoon with parents. We all listened to 'The story of Christmas'. Afterwards we made Christmas shapes with playdough.
28.11.24 - Today we had lots of fun with the musical instruments in light and sound. We were very noisy!
20.11.24 - Our colour of the week is yellow and today in Elephant class, we explored lots of different objects and materials which were yellow. We also enjoyed colouring in a picture of a yellow sun on the interactive whiteboard.
20.11.24 - Today elephant class wrapped up warm and went to the headland on the bus. We visited the heugh battery and went for a walk along the promenade. We even saw some snow! Afterwards, we went back to school for a delicious hot chocolate to warm up.
15.11.24 - This week was anti-bullying week at school. Today Elephant class enjoyed colouring in our own odd socks.
16.10.24 - Today elephants went to tweddle farm. We all really enjoyed exploring around the farm and even feeding the animals. It was so much fun!