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Friday 12th February

Our last day of home learning and then it is half term.

A busy day with morning greetings, our story and songs about Little Red Riding Hood, then some mark making. Time for a snack and then number time. Then time for some lunch and Golden Time in the afternoon.

Let’s get started Pangolins

Good Morning Pangolins

Still image for this video

Happy Friday. It is a red day.

Still image for this video

CBeebies: Friday Song

How's the Weather Song

Makaton Topic - WEATHER - Singing Hands

Activity - Play the colour matching game or find something red in your house or can you try some red food like strawberries or jam?


Time for Story and Songs.



Song 1 - I love Red - Full Song | Music - Little Red Riding Hood

Song 2 - Wolfie Blues - Full Song | Music - Little Red Riding Hood

Song 3 - Let's make a cake for Grandma - Full Song | Music - Little Red Riding Hood

Activity - Mark Making.

Make some marks on paper  with pens, crayons or paints.

You can even make marks in shaving foam, sugar or flour.


Keep trying those different snacks.


Time for Number

Makaton - FIVE CURRANT BUNS - Singing Hands

Here's a fun number song with one of our favourite signs........CAKE!!

Activity - Sing the rhyme, count the buns, exchange a penny for a bun.


Time for Lunch.

Keep trying those different foods Pangolins.

Remember to help your Mum and Dad by putting your plate in the sink just like we do in class.


After lunch it is Golden Time.

Time to do your favourite things.


There is no school next week as it is the holidays.

We will see the Pangolins on Monday 22nd February ready for another busy week.


Stay safe and enjoy your holidays.

Janis, Karen, Niamh, Sandra and Sue
