Morning Dragons,
Thank you all for the great feedback and fantastic pictures of the children working and having fun!
Here are today's lessons/activities:
Lexia: Please access Lexia for 20 minutes every day.
Daily Mile (15 minutes): Choose your favourite sport and practice a range of different exercises associated with that sport – be creative and have fun with your exercises! Get your family involved. Please send me some photos!
Recap your knowledge of sharing objects into equal groups:
Group 1: Sharing into halves to 20.
Group 2: Sharing into quarter to 20.
Group 3: Sharing into halves, quarters and thirds to 30.
Group 4: Sharing into halves, quarters and thirds to 30.
Read the word problems carefully, select the key words and find out how to solve each problem.
Review worksheets.
To find out information about a character by reading the story.
I can create a non-chronological report about a story character.
Read ‘The Oompa Loompa’s’
What is the Loompa Land landscape like? Name three beasts that live there. Why did the Oompa Loompa’s live there? What did they eat? What did they long for? What offer did Willy Wonka make? How did Mr Will Wonka transport them to England?
Make a character profile of an Oompa Loompa. Pick out key features of a non-chronological report.
Create a fact-file on the Oompa Loompa’s.
Group 1 & 2: Draw a picture of an Oompa Loompa and describe it with adjectives.
Group 3: Use headings: Where are they from? What do they eat? How did they arrive at Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory? Hobbies/skills.
Group 4: Create your own headings to use when writing a report about an Oompa Loompa.
Group 1 (page 3) & 2 (page 2): Complete page 5 of the ‘oa’ sound booklet.
Group 3: To write three sentences using ‘tr’ words.
Group 4: To write five sentences using ‘ie’ words.
Handwriting: Complete the next page of your handwriting booklet.
Read through the PowerPoint on Expressing Yourself and look at the attached example poster.
Think of different activities that you do to express yourself - playing games, dancing, theatre, sports, etc.
Make your own poster about ‘How you express yourself’.
A message from the Duchess of Cambridge - Catherine:
Children's Mental Health Week 2021 - a message from our Royal Patron - YouTube
Enjoy the snow while you can!