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Welcome to Jaguar Class



Jaguar Class is an Autism Specific Class made up of 8 Key Stage 1&2 children.

Our class staff are: Andrew - class teacher

                       Annette - HLTA

                       Zoe, Lucy, Steffi - teaching Assistants

                       Mia - apprentice


The children follow an adapted curriculum appropriate to their individual needs. We follow the TEACCH approach at regular intervals throughout the day. 

Each day we participate in the 'Attention Autism' program.


We will continue to take part in the 'Daily Mile' each day in the playground.


Our weekly PE session will be on Friday's. We will keep PE kits in school and send them home at the end of every half term.

Our weekly swimming session will be on a Thursday afternoon, please send in swim kits each week.


Thursday - Swimming

Friday    - PE

Our Summer term topic is 'The World and Explorers'


Literacy stories - Walking Through the Jungle

                              We're Roaming Through the Rainforest

                              We all went on Safari

                              Ocean Life


Science - Animals

History - Captain Cook: What did Captain Cook discover?

Art- Digital Media

D&T - In the Baker's Shop

Geography - Hills, Rivers and Waterways

RE - Let's find out about Religious stories and special people

Music - Going Places

PE - Outdoor Activities

Computing - Early Control Technology

13/7/23 - Jaguar Class trip to Larry's Lanes

4/7/2023 PIRATE DAY - To celebrate the 'Tall Ships', woo took part in 'Pirate Day'. We participated in games with Captain Chris; explored different exotic fruits including, mango, oranges, pineapple, kiwi and pomegranate; explored the story 'Mrs Pirate', a treasure hunt with Pirate Sam and made 'Pirate Punch' using ice, fruit juice and a blender..

22/5/23 DT: Making and Baking cakes- We followed the recipe and found the ingredients and equipment to make cakes.

16/5/23 Outside story - Walking Through the Jungle: we went outside and explored the story and used magnifying glasses to help us spot the animals.

10/5/23 King Charles III Coronation party - We had fun celebrating the coronation of King Charles.

9/5/23 Science: Caring for Pets - Maisie the dog came into Jaguar class and we explored how we can look after and care for out pets. We had fun giving her a drink of water, brushing her fur, giving her treats and taking her for a walk around the playground.

3/5/23 Science: Hunting for minibeasts - We went out into the school garden with our magnifying glasses and searched for minibeasts. We were able to collect some different minibeasts such as a woodlouse, a millipede, a snail, a worm, a beetle and a slug and we looked at them more closely using the digital microscope and the interactive board.

27/4/23 - No Pens Day: Making Ice cream in a bag - During our joint communication group with Dragon class we made Ice Cream in a bag. We were able to follow the recipe and ask for the ingredients and equipment we needed. Dragon class were able to support the Jaguars to use their PECS symbols to communicate.

27/4/23 - Animal Encounters: We had a visit from Animal Encounters and had fun meeting and exploring a skunk, a skink, a guinea pig, a tortoise and a snake.

18/4/23 Science - We visited Ward Jackson park to look for birds that live in the park.

18/4/23 Exploring the playground at Ward Jackson park.

Our Spring term topic is 'Stories'


Literacy stories -The Gingerbread Man

                            The Little Red Hen

                             Little Red Riding Hood

                             Goldiocks and the 3 Bears

                             I Love Books

                             On the Way Home


Science - Traditional Stories and Rhymes

History - What stories did my parents and grandparents read?

Art - Painting through Stories

D&T - Picnics

Geography - Garden

RE - Let's find out about Easter and Love

Music - Stories and Sounds

PE - Performing Arts

Computing - Interactive Stories

14/3/23 Tree Planting in memory of Queen Elizabeth II - Jaguar class took part in a town wide project to plant trees in memory of Queen Elizabeth II and then enjoyed having a play in the play area.

13/3/23 DT: Making Pizza - Jaguar class have been thinking about different types of takeaway meals and read the story 'Pizza for Pirates'. Then we explored a variety of toppings and practised chopping some of the items with a table knife. We then used a table knife to spread tomato puree onto the slice of bread and then selected the toppings we liked and sprinkled cheese on the top.

6/3/23 Today we received a reward for having 100% attendance in school last week.

2/3/23 World Book Day in Jaguar class

Class Story - Our current class story is Goldilocks and the 3 Bears.

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

16 2 23 History - Visit to the book shop - Jaguar Class went to the town to visit WH Smiths and The Works to find our favourite books.

15/2/23 DT: Teddy Bears Picnic - Jaguars class selected what they would like to make their own picnics and made their own sandwiches and then enjoyed eating the food with their teddy bears.

6/2/23 Science: Building towers for Rapunzel' - We have been exploring the story of Rapunzel then we had fun building our own towers using different block and bricks.

PECS in the Pool - Jaguar class have been focusing on being able to use the skills we have developed when using PECS in different situations around school. Each week during our swimming lesson we have been taking part in ‘PECS in the Pool’. Children are encouraged to select a PECS symbol from the book and then travel across the water to Cheryl and use the Symbol to begin to verbally communicate what they would like. This session has been fantastic helping the children to increase their confidence and skills in the water and their communication skills in a different situation and environment.

9/1/2023 Science: Simple Simon Met a Pie Man - We began by exploring the rhyme 'Simple Simon', the we had fun using our senses (smell, touch, sight and taste) to explore pre made apple pies and then the ingredients to make an apple pie.

Our Autumn term topic is 'I Need a Hero'


Literacy stories -Super Duck

                             Underpants Wonderpants


                             Real Life Superheroes


Science - Ourselves

History - Our Family Heroes

Art - Modern Great Artists

D&T - Puppets

Geography - People Who Help Us

RE - Harvest

Music - Rhythm

PE - Football

Computing - Cause and Effect

23/11/22 - Jaguar Class Assembly - Real Superheroes: People who help us

12/10/2022 Science: We had lots of fun making a mess and getting our hands dirty, then following the instructions to wash our hands.

3/10/22 Our current story - Underpants Wonderpants.

14/9/22 Art - We have been exploring the work of Kandinsky and we have created our own pictures.

Maisie the Pat dog - We had lots of fun during our visit from Maisie.

Work box activities : Each day the children in Jaguar class complete activities at their individual work box stations to support their learning and development.

Super Duck

Super Duck by Jez Alborough Goat has made a beautiful Kite. Duck wants to see the kite take flight. He runs and throws , the kite stays low until the wind begins to blow. That's when Frog gets carried away..... can Super Duck save the day?

Super Duck Power Point
