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Welcome to Pangolin Class!

Meet the Teaching Staff

Class Teachers: Louise

HLTA's: Jo 

Teaching Assistants:  Vicky, Sandra, Jo, Louisa, Claire

Apprentice: Dan



The children in Pangolin class follow 'SPARKLE' and 'LOWER GLITTER' Curriculum  which is delivered in a multi-sensory, creative way which will enables pupils to access learning using their senses. 



· MOTIVATING Our pupils learn when they are interested, stimulated and engaged.

· RELEVANT It is relevant to the learning styles of the pupils and takes into account their prior knowledge and learning needs.

· CHALLENGING All teaching staff have high and realistic expectations of the pupils and with specialised, inclusive teaching — progress is evident.

· FOCUSED Shared targets from EHCP, Physiotherapists, OT, SALT etc. are central to the pupils provision.


Our topic this term is 'Healthy and Active Lives'.  Click on the Topic web below to find out what the children will be learning. 





Friday19th July - Break up for Summer

WC 15th July

What a fantastic last week we have had.

We loved exploring all of the sensory resources on Space day. 
We had so fun at the museum too. 
Have a fabulous summer pangolin class!

WC 8th July

This week we have continued working on the story ‘The Big Red Bath’.  We painted a bath using cotton buds with red paint which helped to develop our fine motor skills.
In Maths we have been learning about colours and we sorted objects into different colours.

We enjoyed visiting Throston library for Music and story time.

We ended the week with our Sensory Sports Day which was lots of fun.


WC 1st July

Pangolin Class have had so much fun this week.
We have continued listening to the story ‘The Big Red Bath’ and have explored things that are red. We practised our fine motor skills by painting using corks and painting with spray bottles. 

We enjoyed a visit to Tweddle Farm and loved seeing the animals and playing in the park.

We finished off the week watching a sensory story from the Timbadash Theatre group. It was Great! 


WC 24th June

This week we have had lots of fun listening to the story ‘The Big Red Bath’. We loved exploring the props and popping the bubbles. We practised our fine motor skills by painting our own red bath.

We enjoyed a visit to Throston School to explore their forest school. 

WC 17th June

This week we have continued to listen to the story ‘Grow Story’. We learned how to keep clean and we practised our cleaning skills by bathing the dirty baby doll. We also practised washing our hands. We learned that sunshine provides our body with vitamins so we have had lots of fun in the sun this week. We had our assembly outside and we have played on the trim trail and we visited Grayfields park too. 

WC 10th June

This week we have developed our fine motor skills by making some lovely flower pictures with buttons and making Father’s Day cards.

We listened to the story ‘Grow Strong’ and we played outside with the hoops, basketball and bikes just like the girl in the story.

We developed our listening skills by playing the game ‘Guess the instrument’. We were very good at guessing which instrument was played when it was hidden behind the screen and we loved playing the instruments too.

WC 3rd June

This week we have enjoyed listening to the story ‘Oliver’s Milkshake’. We explored the props from the story and we went to Aldi to buy milk, blueberries and bananas. We made a milkshake just like Oliver’s. It was yummy! We found out where milks come from and painted a picture of a cow with corks which helped to develop our fine motor skills. We also had fun playing outside and visiting the library. 

WC 20th June

This week we have enjoyed listening to the story ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’. We used our senses to explore the vegetables from the story and some of us tasted the vegetables too.
We had fun developing our listening skills by playing some games were we had to guess the household or environmental sounds.  
We also enjoyed a sunny afternoon at Seaton Carew park. 

We are all ready for half term now. 




WC 13th May

We have had a very busy week this week listening to the story ‘Oliver’s Fruits’.
We went to Lidl to buy the fruits from the story and we made a yummy banana and strawberry smoothie.  We also made repeating patterns with the fruit to make fruit kebabs. We chopped the fruit carefully to make a giant fruit salad and did an assembly all about the story too. 
We visited the Headland Park on the bus to have lots of fun in the sun. 

WC 6th May 

We have enjoyed Literacy and music this week. We loved singing songs to the Teddies and bouncing them on the parachute. We explored the new lights in the Sensory room and we tried hard to make patterns. We have also had lots of fun in the sun outside with our friends. 

WC 29th April

We loved meeting our new therapy dog ‘Ronnie’. We took turns to stroke him and he was very well behaved. 
We continued reading ‘The Tiger that came to Tea’ and we made some great tiger prints with orange and black paint. 
We took advantage of the improved weather and had fun outside developing our social skills and mark making. 

WC 22nd April

This week we have continued learning about ‘The Tiger that came to Tea’. 
We visited the Museum on Monday and found the tiger hiding in the Museum. We also dressed up as the Tiger. 
We enjoyed going to Lidl to buy food from the story and we then had a tea party with the tiger and we tasted the food that we bought. 
In Maths we have been learning about the numbers ‘1,2 and 3. We fed the tiger either 1, 2 or 3 items of food and we made also made cakes and practised our counting when decorating them with sweets. 

WC 15th April

We have had a busy first week back after the holidays.

In Literacy we have been reading and watching ‘The Tiger that came to Tea’. The children love exploring the props from the story and they carefully mixed their own orange and black paints to paint their very own Tiger. 
In Maths we have been learning about the number three. We joined in singing the number 3 song, practised forming the number 3 and made some yummy number 3 biscuits. 

WC 18th March

This week we worked hard in swimming and working on our ‘Discovery Ducklings’ targets.

We had a fun music lesson and we are beginning to join in with the words of familiar songs. 
We started our Easter crafts and painted eggs with corks. 
We ended the week with a lovely sunny walk to the park and whilst there we visited the cafes at Hartfields. 

WC 11th March

This week we went to Asda to spend our World Book day vouchers. The children loved browsing the shelves to find their favourite book and we now have some lovely new books to add to our class reading area. 
We had a fun music lesson with Ashleigh from the Amber Trust and we are beginning to understand the vocabulary ‘bang, tap and shake’ when playing our instruments. 
We listened to ‘Jasper’s Beanstalk’ in Literacy and we had lots of fun planting our own beans. 

WC 4th March

Pangolins have had lots of learning opportunities this week and lots of fun too. 
We started our week by developing our gross motor skills with a sunny visit to the Headland park. The children also developed their independence and social skills and loved every minute. 
We continued learning about the number 2 in Maths and we practised our fine motor skills by trying hard to form the number 2.

We loved seeing each other dressed up on world book day and enjoyed looking at the different books that were brought in from home. We listened to some of our favourite stories and watched some on the big screen. We also played bingo with characters from traditional tales and decorated book marks.
We enjoyed listening to ‘Jasper’s Beanstalk’ and exploring the sensory props and we are looking forward to growing our own beanstalks. 


WC 26th February

This week in Literacy we listened to the story ‘The Tiny Seed’ with Joanna from the Library and we loved exploring the props. In Maths we have been learning about the Number 2 and we went on a Number 2 hunt around school. We developed our communication skills and gross motor skills in swimming and we had fun playing outside with our friends. 

WC 12th February

We had so much fun this week. We celebrated Pancake day and Valentine’s Day. We made some delicious pancakes with different toppings and chocolate was our favourite. We enjoyed listening to ‘Mr Wolfs pancakes’ too. We made some cakes with love heart sprinkles for Valentine’s Day. We also developed our gross motor skills with a trip to Bishop Cuthbert park. 

WC 5th February

We have continued listening to ‘Polar bear, Polar bear, What do you hear?’ this week and we made some pretty polar bear pictures with our handprints. We also made some tasty snowflake biscuits.

We loved learning about Chinese New year on Friday and we made some colourful dragon masks as it is the year of the dragon and we had Chinese food for lunch.

We enjoyed going to the shops and we bought a Peppa pig game for our class. We had fun playing it in golden time and it helps to develop our fine motor and turn taking skills. 

WC 29th January

This week we have listened to the story ‘Polar Bear, Polar Bear’. We enjoyed listening to the different sounds that the animals make and we were able to find the animals on the sound bar and play their sounds. We loved exploring the props from the story, the polar bear was very cuddly! We made some yummy polar bear cup cakes and we got creative making polar bear pictures. We had fun in maths playing ‘Helicopter Rescue’ on the Interactive whiteboard and we tried hard to identify numbers between 1-10’.

WC 22nd January

We have been developing our fine motor skills this week.  We practised our cutting skills but some of found this a little tricky but we persevered and tried our best. We tried really hard to follow the instructions in our ‘Doh disco’ sessions and we also decorated some butterflies with coloured jewels for our classroom display. It looks beautiful! We made butterfly cakes which tasted delicious. 

In Maths we enjoyed playing a caterpillar game and we ordered the numbers on the caterpillar from 1-5. We also enjoyed listening to Number rhymes and helping with the props. 

WC 15th January

We have continued listening to ‘The very hungry caterpillar’ story this week in Literacy and we have completed lots of activities related to it. We developed our fine motor skills when we painted butterflies using corks for our class wall display. We followed instructions to make cupcakes and we joined them together to make a caterpillar cake which tasted delicious. 
In Maths we learned about circles after looking at the shape of the caterpillars body. We picked out the circles from a selection of different shapes and we printed with circles too.

We also worked hard in swimming and physio. 

WC 8th January

Pangolin Class have been very busy this week. We had lots of fun in the Arcades at Seaton Carew on Monday and we all chose a ride to go on. In Maths we have been learning about the Number One and we decorated number ones with buttons and made number one biscuits and enjoyed putting icing and sweets on them. They were yummy! In Literacy we have been listening to ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ story. We matched pictures from the story and printed with sponges to make caterpillars. We also tasted different foods from the story and made a large caterpillar for our wall display. 

19.12.23 - Santa's been! The children loved their presents! Hope you all have a fantastic Christmas!

12.12.23 Our Christmas Performance! Sleigh Ride - Pangolins were brilliant!

Still image for this video

11.12.23 Our lovely Pangolins are getting ready for our first Christmas performance!

05/12/23 - Today Pangolin class enjoyed sharing a Christmas sensory story and writing letters to Santa. The children enjoyed turning the pages of the catalogue to find toys they would like for Christmas and writing out their letters to Santa.

27/11/23 - Pangolin class loved making and decorating handprint wreaths.

23.11.23 The children have been making Christmas stocking decorations for our school Christmas tree in the lobby.

21.11.23 The children in Pangolin class really enjoyed making reindeer dust using oats and glitter.

17.11.23 The children have been making salt dough star Christmas decorations to put on the Christmas trees in St Hilda's church.

13.11.23 The children have enjoyed both painting and collaging poppies for Remembrance Day!

09/11/23 Reading - The children in Shark's Class read stories to our Pangolin children this afternoon.

08.11.23 - The children have been making their own mouse from the story.

Kippers Toy Box - This is our new sensory story, please watch this story at home with your child. What is your child's favourite toys at home?

RE - 09.11.23 Pangolin Class are beginning to learn about Diwali - It is a very special celebration for Hindu people. We have been looking at different Rangoli patterns which are thought to bring good luck. With adult support, the children made their own paper plate Rangoli pattern.

Winnie the Witch

We are reading: 'Winnie the Witch' in class now. Please let your children watch this story at home.

23/10/23 - Today the children in Pangolin class enjoyed creating pumpkin collages.

17/10/23 - COMPUTING - Pangolin class enjoyed taking turns to explore the interactive floor in the light and sound room. The children played a range of cause and effect games and developed their gross motor skills as they crawled, walked and jumped.

10/10/23 - World Mental Health Day 2023! Pangolin class enjoyed talking about different emotions, copying facial expressions, discussing what makes them happy and looking at their emotions in the mirror. Afterwards, the children created their own happy face emoji and enjoyed self-regulation through music and movement ribbons.

04.10.23 - Sensory Story: 'Dear Zoo' The children have been identifying the different types of zoo animals and copying the sounds these animals make. The children have enjoyed pressing the animal sound switches and having a go at drawing their own lion on the interactive white board.

04/10/23 - Pangolins used lots of fantastic communication to make choices at snack time. The children were encouraged to try pear crumble and initiate likes and dislikes.

03.10.23 Computing - The children in Pangolin class where given the time to encounter, experience and explore a variety of early technology toys which include push button activities, remote control devices, musical keyboards, televisions, cash registers, interactive sound/musical books, massage bed etc. Through sequences of play, the children experienced control technology through play e.g. using remote control toys.

02/10/23 - As part of our topic 'Old and New', we visited the historic quay to look at a range of old toys and visited the shops to look at new toys.

In Math's, we have been singing this song: 'Alice the Camel'. We have been counting the camels humps, counting from 0-5.

A fun little #numbersong #rhyme for a Friday morning featuring one of our favourite animals! Can you count down from 5 to zero with us? Alice the Camel has 5 humps (A / CAMEL / 5)..... Go Alice go! (GO) (and repeat down to zero) Because Alice is a horse of course!

With adult support, the children have been counting the humps on each of the camel's backs. Using brown paint, the children they have been fingerprinting the correct amount of humps for each camel.

20/09/23 - The children in pangolin class have been increasing their confidence within the hydrotherapy pool.

19/09/23 - The children in pangolin class had lots of fun baking jam tarts in cookery today.

12/09/23 - Pangolin class enjoyed baking shortbread biscuits in cookery. The children explored the different ingredients and each selected their own cutters when given a choice.

11/09/23 - Today we shared the sensory story 'Dear Zoo'. Afterwards, the children enjoyed finding animals from the story in various multi-sensory trays.

September 23 - Pangolin class have enjoyed singing 'Five little speckle frogs'. We have participated in a range of frog activities including painting, drawing, matching and counting with frogs.

Our first sensory story this term is called: 'Dear Zoo'. We will be reading this story in school for 4 weeks. Please let your children watch this story being read aloud at home.

Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell
