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Speech and Language

Springwell School Speech Therapy Assistant


Just a quick message to introduce myself and tell you a little bit about what I do in school.


My name is Cheryl. After working in Springwell School for 8 years as a Teaching Assistant, the opportunity for me to train as a Speech Therapy Assistant became available, and I haven't looked back since. That was 9 years ago now.


My role in school is to liaise with parents and carers, teachers, teaching assistants, NHS speech therapists and any other professionals who may be involved with the child.


I currently have many children on my case load. I see children on a 1-1 basis, group therapy and whole class sessions.


These sessions are structured around the assessments which the child's NHS therapist has carried out.

I try to make each session fun and engaging, no matter what my objectives are. This way the children are eager to join in and learn new strategies to help them with their communication and understanding, without realising.


At the moment my sessions include:

* two focused communication groups

* one peer communication group, which two classes participate in

* two sensory groups

* 1-1 therapy

* three ASD communication groups

* communication aid support around school

* Makaton signing support around school

* Lego therapy

* The Listening Programm

* staff training in Makaton, Eye Gaze, Communicate in Print

* make resources for school, as well as for in the home

and more to be added in September.


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me on the school number 01429 280600

I will always try my best to help.



One afternoon every week I get to spend the afternoon with the amazing pupils and staff in Panda Class and Anaconda Class.

I plan a variety of different exciting activities for the children to take part in which enables them to build their skills in areas such as answering questions/asking questions, problem solving, taking turns, attending to an activity which was chosen by a peer, requesting objects, following instructions and much much more.


We try to use Makaton signing as often as we possibly can, as it is a great form of communication.

We signed up to the 'sign of the week' programme which is supplied by the We Talk Makaton charity.

Each week the staff and children will be shown the sign of the week and we all try to use it as much as possible...

Hi my name is Kyra George I have worked at Springwell for over 16 years as a Teaching Assistant. I am a year into my role as Speech and Language Therapy Assistant. I will be working alongside and under the watchful-eye of Cheryl and the NHS Speech Therapists too provide additional support for the children and their families.

We will be participating in; 1 to 1 sessions, small group work and whole class communication groups and hopefully some Makaton singing and signing in the mix to.  

I am really excited to see what this year brings as my first year was full of adventures and new challenges alongside COVID.  


Every Monday The Makaton Charity releases a new sign on their website. Our aim is to learn a new word every week and be inspired to get signing.

Monday 18th July 2022. This week's sign

Thank you for helping with our sign this week.

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Monday 11th July 2022. This week's sign swim.

Monday 04th July. This week's sign is...sun.

Monday 13th June 2022. This week's sign is...Daddy / Father / Dad.

Thank you for taking your time out of After School Club to show us this sign.

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Monday 06th June 2022. This week's sign is...'all gone'.

Thank you for the help with our sign of the week.

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Monday 23rd May 2022. This week's sign is...'biscuit'.

Monday 16th May 2022. This week's sign is...'doll'.

Thank you to our three lovely students from Durham University, for helping us with our sign this week.

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Monday 09th May 2022. This week's sign is...'nurse'.

Monday 02nd May 2022. This week' sign is 'Mosque'.

Monday 25th April 2022. This week's sign is...'flower'.

Monday 04th April 2022. This week's sign is...'brother'.

Please watch our video.

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Monday 28th March 2022. This week's sign is...'sister'.

Monday 21st March 2022. This week's sign is 'mum'

Monday 14th March 2022. This week's sign is...lucky.

Thank you for your help this morning.

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Monday 07th March 2022. This week's sign is...'good morning'.

Thank you for your help with today's sign.

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Monday 28th February 2022. This week's sign is...sugar.

Thank you for helping us with our sign of the week ladies.

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Monday 14th February 2022. This week's sign is...kind.

Thank you for showing us this week's sign.

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Monday 07th February 2022. This week's sign

Thank you for your help with the signing today.

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Monday 31st January 2022. This week's sign is...Internet.

Thank you our sign today.

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Monday 24th January 2022. This week's sign is...dummy.

Thank you for your excellent signing this week.

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Monday 17th January 2022. This week's sign is...teddy (or soft toy).

Thank you for helping us with this week's sign.

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Monday 10th January 2022. This week's sign understand

Monday 03rd January 2022. This week's sign is...cinema.

Monday 13th December 2021. Today's sign is...12 sleeps to go.

Monday 06th December 2021. Today's sign is...19 sleeps to go.

Here's a little Christmas song for you to sing and sign to.

Wednesday 01st December 2021. Today's sign is...24 sleeps to go

Monday 22nd November 2021. This week's sign is...the letter 'Z'.

Thank you for showing us this week's sign.

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Monday 15th November 2021. This week's sign is....the letter 'Y'.

Thank you for showing us this week's sign.

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Monday 08th November 2021. This week's sign is.....the letter 'X'.

Thank you for showing us this week's sign.

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Monday 01st November. This week's sign is...the letter W.

Thank you for showing us this week's sign.

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Monday 18th October 2021. This week's sign is...the letter U.

Thank you for showing us this week's sign.

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Monday 11th October 2021. This week's sign is...'Teacher'.

Thank you for showing us this week's sign.

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Monday 04th October 2021. This week's sign is...the letter 'T t'.

Thank you for showing us this week's sign.

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27th September 2021. This week's sign is...'scissors'.

Thank you for showing us this week's sign.

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20th September 2021. This week's sign is...'S'.

Thank you for showing us this week's sign.

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13th September 2021. This week's sign is...'respect'.

Thank you for showing us this week's sign.

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06th September 2021. This weeks sign is... the letter 'R r'.

Thank you for showing us this week's sign.

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********************  NO PENS WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 2021  ********************

We put down our pens and played some games promoting conversation, debate, interactions, sensory exploration and communication with one another using either our voices, our Voice Output Communication Aid (VOCA), symbol exchange and Makaton signing. This year was another brilliant day which was enjoyed by both children and staff. 

Lets take a look at Shark Class, Dragon Class, Panda Class, Caiman Class, Toucan Class and Jaguar Class enjoying 'NO PENS WEDNESDAY'.


***********STAR OF THE WEEK***********


My star of the week this week has made so much progress in her sessions and has worked so hard, I could not give her the recognition again. *****WELL DONE. KEEP UP THIS AMAZING WORK*****

My star of the week this week has really impressed me. She always tries her best but this week she was introduced to a different form of communication aid (communication board) and built some lovely little sentences both pointing at the symbols and saying the words. ****YOU ARE AMAZING. Keep up this great work****

My star of the week this week work so hard. from the moment she enters my room to the moment she leaves. This certificate is well deserved.******WELL DONE AND KEEP WORKING HARD******

My star of the week goes to a young man who has worked so hard this week in our speech therapy sessions. He has followed instructions, made some lovely symbol exchanges and we have even took turns with the click clack track. ******KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK*****

I haven't worked with this young for very long, but our sessions together have been so memorable and fun. He puts 100% into every session and he has the most infectious smile. *****KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK*****

My star of the week this week has ended the week of beautifully. We have just had the most amazing session where he named al of the staff and peers in his class and then made exchanges for his favourite toy (a snake) both using picture exchange and verbally asking too. *******KEEP ON WORKING HARD*******

My star of the week has worked so hard in all of our sessions, she really does deserve the certificate.*****KEEP UP THIS AMAZING WORK****

My star of the week this week goes to a very worthy young man. He has been trying so hard during our sessions and this week he has been just amazing. ****KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK****

My star of the week this week has worked brilliantly. He has been introduced to a new method of communication and has done amazing in his sessions this week. *****KEEP UP THIS AMAZING WORK*****

My star of the week this week is a young man who always tries his hardest, is always smiling and so polite. He works hard in all of his sessions and all of his hard work is paying off. ****KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK****

My star of the week this week has tried so hard, ever harder than usual and impressed me so much he just had to have this week's certificate. ****Well done and keep up this hard work ****

This week's star has worked very hard this week. He has made amazing progress in several areas of his speech and communication and we are all extremely proud of him. ******KEEP DOING WHAT YOU'RE DOING*****

This week's star has been working so hard since coming back from our Christmas holiday's. He is such a super star and continues to surprise me every day. *****Keep up the great work*****

It was so difficult for me to choose just one pupil for star of the week as everyone worked so hard. My choice this week is Shark Class as they all did amazingly well on No Pens Wednesday completing their very difficult task of 'The Feely Bag'. WELL DONE SHARK CLASS. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK.

This week's star of the week has worked so hard over the past two weeks. She achieved so much. Everyone is so proud of her. ***KEEP UP THE HARD WORK***

I haven't been working with this young man for very long in this short time he has impressed me so much. Not only does he try his hardest to do his best, he supports his peers in our group session to do their best too. ***KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK***

This week's star of the week worked so hard in his session today. As well as making beautiful independent exchanges, he was also attempting some new words. *****WELL DONE****

This week's star of the week worked so independently he didn't even need me in the room with him. I am so proud of him. ***KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK.***

This week's star of the week has only been a pupil in our school since September. She is doing amazingly well in her sessions and always works so hard. We are all so proud of her. ****KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK****

We have only been working together since September. We are a small group who practise communicating with each other, giving and listening to instructions from our peers and building our confidence. This is all achieved in our Lego Therapy Group. This young mans confidence has grown so much in only 4 weeks. keep up the hard work.***WELL DONE***

This young man has been working extremely hard in his sessions with me for many months, but this week he has really impressed me. Keep up the great work.***WELL DONE***

This young lady has really impressed me this week. Not only has she settled back into school beautifully, she had an amazing session with me and then spent another 15 minutes impressing her NHS Speech therapist during her visit to school. ***WELL DONE ***

Therapy sessions 18th - 21st July 2022.

Therapy sessions 11th - 15th July 2022.

Therapy sessions 04th -08th July 2022.

Therapy sessions 20th - 24th June 2022.

Therapy sessions 13th - 17th June 2022.

Jaguar Class and Shark Class Communication and Interactions session - Making Ice cream in a bag.

Take a look.

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Having fun exploring new/different toys.



Communication, interactions and team work.

Exploring lots of different toys.

Take a look.

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