Home Page


Welcome to Zebra Class.


Zebra Class follow the Sparkle Curriculum. We are part of South America team and each child has a diagnosis of ASD and follows the TEACHH approach in class.  Each child has personalised targets which they are working towards through a range of play and sensory activities each day.


  • We use our hydrotherapy pool to develop our water confidence and swimming skills each week.
  • We participate in rebound therapy weekly to develop our physical skills as well as our listening and attention skills.
  • We use the school bus weekly to explore our community.
  • We enjoy outside play with the other classes in school.



We look forward to showing you some of the activities we will be completing during this term.

Key dates: -

Swimming- Wednesday & alternate Thursdays- Swim kit needed

Bus- Thursday AM

Rebound- Wednesday PM - long sleeves needed


Thank you,

Zebra staff.


The staff in Zebra class are-


Sarah- teacher


Emma- Monday and Tuesday



Chelsea- Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Kyra- Speech and Language Therapy Assistant



Zebra class topic web- Autumn term 2024-

