Monday 1st February
Hi Zebras! Hope you are all well.
This week you will be staying at home with your parents and carers.
It would be great if they could email me some photos of you completing the work activities.
Literacy- This week our story is 'The Gruffalo's Child'. Listen to the story below. Do the children recognise any of the familiar characters? e.g. Gruffalo, mouse, owl, fox and snake.
Look closely at the characters in the story. Name the animals and try and make the animal sound e.g. gruffalo growling, snake hissing, owl hooting, mouse squeaking etc.
What is your favourite animal in the story? Have a go at writing the name of the animal and draw a picture to match.
Maths - To begin with in Maths this week, we are looking at measurement and the language we use when talking about measurements. Think about what these words mean: tall, height, long, short, longer, shorter, length.
Have a go at measuring yourself and then compare with your parents/carers or someone in your house. Who is taller? Who is shorter?
Listen to the shorter/longer song and have a look at the 'How long are you?' activities attached below. Have fun measuring!
Art- To link with out story of 'The Gruffalo's Child' can you create a footprint of the Gruffalo and the Gruffalo's Child?
You could make the Gruffalo's Child with your foot and maybe get your parent/carer to make the Gruffalo using their foot!
*Link to Maths- talk about which footprint is bigger? snaller? shorter? longer?
Tuesday 2nd February
Literacy-Using the powerpoint below, read your child the story of 'The Gruffalo's Child'. Then I would like you to have a go at sequencing the story by numbering the pictures in order below.
Maths- Practise your counting again by clapping as you count. Now try stamping your feet as you count! How far can you get? Repeat counting backwards back down to Zero!
Remember not to miss any numbers out!
Complete the counting sheet below and try recording your answers on paper, thinking carefully about the correct way to form numbers.
Challenge - complete the addition sheet attached below and record answers.
Science-Our topic in Science is Seashores and Oceans. This week we are going to talk about beaches and the seaside. We are really lucky that we live right next to the sea!
Google some pictures of Hartlepool beaches - Headland and Seaton.
Who has been to the seaside?
Which beaches have you visited before?
Who did you go with?
What did you do there?
What did you see? smell? hear?
Can you draw or paint a picture of a beach you have visited and send it into school when we are back. If you haven't been to a beach, have a look on the internet and copy one from a photograph.
Take care Zebras!
Wednesday 3rd February
Literacy -Watch this animated version of 'The Gruffalo's Child' story and look at how the Gruffalo's Child draws the Big Bad Mouse. Listen to the descriptions e.g. terribly strong, scaly tail is terribly long, eyes are like pools of terrible fire, terrible whiskers tougher than wire.
Can you have a go at drawing your own Big Bad Mouse? I would love to see them all!
Computing-Today in Computing we are going to learn our left from our right so that we can eventually use the Beebot to give directions. Get Mum /Dad to help you find your right hand and left hand. Use the song below to help you work out which is you left and which is your right. Now can you find your left foot and right foot? left shoe and right shoe?
Have a go at moving around your house turning left and turning right to get to places.
Thursday 4th February
Phonics-Can you remember our sound of the week from yesterday? Letter 'd'. Say it out loud and practise forming the letter shape in the air, using big movements. Use the 'I Spy Letter d' sheet below to spot the things beginning with the sound 'd'.
Now can you find anything in your house with the initial sound 'd'? Take some photographs and email them please.
Challenge- Write down some of the objects you have found! Remember to take care with your handwriting!
DT -Cookery -We are going to link our cookery this week to our story of 'The Gruffalo's Child' and make some Gruffalo's Child rice crispy cakes. Below are the ones I made yesterday! I have also attached a set of instructions below with pictures to help!
Once I had made the rice crispy cakes, I used smarties for the eyes, milk chocolate buttons for the ears, white chocolate buttons for the tusks and teeth and green jelly sweets for the nose.
Have a go at making your own and email the photographs.
Friday 5th February
Literacy-Watch the animated film version of 'The Gruffalo's Child' on BBCiPlayer
Now try to complete the film review below. You may need help from your parent/carer. There is a Gruffalo's Child word mat to support if needed.
If this is too hard for you, I would like you to draw your favourite part of the story using the sheet attached below.
Maths-Complete the Gruffalo's Child Maths activities using the powerpoints below.
Counting and recognising numbers.
Challenge- Maths doubling problems.
Golden time-On a Friday afternoon we celebrate all of our hard work with a reward. Play a game together, watch or play games on your iPad, complete a jigsaw, colour in, listen to music or watch a movie together.
You could even talk about how this week has gone. Which have been your favourite parts of the week? What have you enjoyed doing? What have you had to work hard at or found challenging?
Parents/carers - if you have taken any photos of your child completing home learning activities could you please email me them. For those children coming into school, I will see you on Monday 8th.
Stay safe! Have a lovely weekend.
Love Aimee