Please follow Springwell School on Twitter to see updates on competitions, news bulletins, fixtures and scores and general annoucements.
Twitter account address is @pe_springwell
Community Links
Springwell School works with a wide range of sports partners, offering many opportunities for children to learn sport inside and outside of school.
Our key sporting partners include;
The Football Association
Eldon Grove Tennis Centre
Zumba Hartlepool
Happy Days Charity
Local and Regional Primary/Secondary Schools
Tees Valley Sport
Sport England
Youth Sport Trust
Hartlepool Borough Council
Hartlepool Wadokai
Panathlon UK
Community sessions
For any information about the below sports sessions, please see our PE Coordinator Scott Mallabar in school.
Inclusive sports
A fantastic opportunity for children to take part in a wide range of sports activities. Brierton Sports Centre, every Saturday 11 – 1pm (Term time only).
An exciting Multi-sports session, which focuses on Balance and Coordination and aims to develop skills in a wide variety of sports. Brierton Sports Centre, every Thursday 4.30 – 6pm (Term time only).