Happy World Book Day Pandas,
Today will consist of PE, World Book Day celebration and Science.
Thursday morning is our PE session when we're in school so clear some space and get ready to get your body moving. Follow the exercises in the videos. We've been looking at basketball in school over the last term so if you've got one to hand, why not show your adult what you can do!
World Book Day
Today is World Book Day and included in your pack from school is a World Book Day book - don't worry if you weren't in school last week, your book is in your tray ready to collect. In celebration of World Book Day I am going to share one of my favourite stories and I would like you to share either the book sent home in your pack or a book of your choice with an adult in your house. Please send me a photo to show me that you shared a story.
When we get back to school next week will be starting our Science work of looking at how Winter turns to Spring and the signs we see in the environment around us. Today I would like you to go on a walk with your adult and look out for signs of Spring and take some photos and send them to me. Watch the following videos so that you know what to look for.
Enjoy today and I look forward to hearing from you all - don't forget to practice those spellings.