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Welcome to Caiman Class.


Caiman Class follow the Sparkle Curriculum. Each child has personalised targets which they are working towards through a range of play and sensory activities each day.


  • We use our pool to develop our water confidence and swimming skills each week and follow the Duckling swimming programme.
  • We take part in Rebound Therapy to develop our physical skills as well as our listening and attention skills.
  • We use the school bus for visits in the community.


  • We enjoy outside play with the other classes in school.


We look forward to showing you some of the activities we will be doing over this term.


Thank you

Aimee - Class Teacher

Sharron - HLTA

Amanda, Amanda H, Alisha -Teaching Assistants

Literacy- Sensory story- Big Red Bath. We enjoyed exploring the animal props, water and bubbles throughout the story and explored the picture book, pointing out different animals.

15.07.24- Hip hip hooray Alisha our leaver is 11 today! We decorated our own birthday crown and enjoyed birthday cake!

15.07.24- Physical Development session - We had fun moving in different ways on benches and equipment, exploring different balls and hula hoops.

12.07.24- Sensory Sports day 2024!

12.07.24- Dt Cookery- Caimans have made some England cupcakes ready for England to bring it home on Sunday!

09.07.24- We love our weekly swimming sessions!

05.07.24- We had a lovely visit from Timbadash theatre company this morning. We loved participating in sensory exploration and joining in with dancing and singing.

21.06.24- Outdoor water play and fun in the sunshine!

21.06.24- DT- Today in cookery we made fairy cakes and decorated them with strawberries!

19.06.24- Outdoor assembly today. The children enjoyed exploring the outdoor equipment and playing alongside other children in school.

19.06.24- Art- Printing with apples and pineapple!

18.06.24- Literacy- Exploring the props from the story 'Oliver's Fruit Salad' and washing the fruit with the water spray.

14.06.24- Linked to our story 'Oliver's Fruit Salad', we went shopping for different fruits and made fruit kebabs. We enjoyed exploring and tasting pineapple, orange, banana, apple and kiwi.

12.06.24- Art- Collaging different fruits from our story 'Oliver's Fruit Salad'.

5.5.24- Caiman & Toucan class 'stay and play'assembly on 'Tiger Who Came to Tea'. We had lots of fun taking part in various activities with some of our parents/carers. We made tiger plate masks, explored jelly, made jam sandwiches and engaged in tea party role play.

22.05.24- Maths- Today we used fruit to sort, group and count.

21.05.24- Library visit- Caimans enjoyed listening to a sensory story about allotments and engaging with the props.

20.05.24- Art- Printing and rolling with corn and celery from our story!

17.05.24- Making fruit smoothies! We enjoyed exploring and cutting up the different fruits (banana, apple and strawberries). We added yoghurt, milk and ice to the mixture and blended it together before tasting and smelling.

16.05.24- Today we had a visit from our new therapy dog in school. We enjoyed stroking him and feeding him some treats! Well done for being brave!

15.05.24- Linked to our sensory story this week 'Grow Strong' Caimans enjoyed exploring avocado and corn using our smell and taste senses.

13.05.24- Physical & sensory- Sensory body painting outdoors! Caimans enjoyed using their hand, feet, paintbrushes and sponges to paint before washing themselves in the water tray.

10.05.24- Caimans enjoying the outdoors and playing on the different equipment at the park.

03.05.24- Messy play- Caimans enjoyed exploring lots of different messy play activities including water play with soapflakes , jelly play, pasta and cornflake crunch play with the toy tiger.

03.05.24- DT cookery- We made strawberry and white chocolate cupcakes in cookery and explored each ingredient in turn.

02.05.23- We visited another cafe today at Hartfields and enjoyed our snacks like the tiger from 'Tiger Who Came for Tea' story.

01.05.24- Today some of Caimans had the opportunity to participate and interact with a Bamboozle theatre show. We enjoyed the sensory elements and loved joining in with the music and instruments.

29.04.24 - Expressive Art and Design - Today we had lots of fun exploring tiger prints from the story 'Tiger Who Came For Tea' and using our creative minds.

26.04.24- Cookery- Today we made fairy cakes and decorated them with melted chocolate and chocolate sprinkles.

25.04.24- Understanding the World- We had such good fun making tea from our story 'The Tiger Who Came for Tea' and using our sense of taste to try the tea.

23.04.24- Understanding the World- We visited Hartlepool Museum to find the tiger from our story!

23.04.24- Physical Development - We enjoyed an obstacle course today, using our gross motor skills to move in different ways. We had fun engaging in balancing activities, ball skills (throwing, catching, posting balls down ramps, knocking skittles over using balls) and exploring hula hoops, peanut balls and physio rolls.

22.04.24- Sensory & Physical- Jelly exploration. We had fun exploring the orange jelly and enjoyed feeding the tiger!

19.04.24- Expressive Art & Design - Caimans loved getting creative and collaging their own tiger mask with orange and black materials.

19.04.24- Sensory & Physical- Caimans enjoyed rebound therapy his morning working on their communication, sensory and physical development targets.

18.04.24- Sensory & physical: One of Caimans favourite activities of the week - TACPAC and relaxation!

17.04.24- We enjoyed exploring light up toys in the light and sound room. We chose the toy we wanted to explore by using PECS.

16.04.24- Our new story is 'The Tiger Who Came For Tea'. Today we visited the shops to find and explore cat food and cat toys.

15.04.24 -Ready to explore our new story 'The Tiger Who Came to Tea'

27.03.24 - Visit from the Easter bunny! We enjoyed participating in an Easter egg hunt on the yard and meeting the Eater bunny.

22.03.24- Understanding the world- As part of our story Jaspers beanstalk we planted some broad beans and took turns to water them! We will observe them and watch them grow!

22.03.24- Art - Printing with fruit! We used oranges, apples and pears to make patterns with paint.

21.03.24- Exploring fruit and foods from our story using our sense of touch, smell and taste!

20.03.24- Spring has arrived!

19.03.24- Shopping for different fruits from our story 'The Hungry Caterpillar'

18.03.24- We enjoyed mixing different green paints and painting our caterpillar!

15.03.24- Art- We made lotus flowers from tissue paper and pipe cleaners and finger painted the lily pads green.

15.03.24- DT- In Cookery we made Red Nose Day themed cupcakes!

14.03.23- Creating a 3D caterpillar in Art by using paper mache for its body!

13.03.24- Art- Printing with bright colours to create our own butterflies from the story 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'.

12.03.24- PSHE- Tweddle farm visit! Children enjoyed exploring animals at the farm, socialising and interacting together.

11.03.24- Exploring the props from our story 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'

08.03.24- In cookery today we made Mothers Day cupcakes! We worked on our independence and life skills and took it in turn to wash some of our pots!

07.03.24- World Book day! We all had fun engaging in story books. We shared our favourite stories with others and enjoyed looking at the pictures.

07.03.24- Northern Ballet workshop- Some of our children engaged in some ballet activities this afternoon and had fun participating in different dance games. They showed some really good listening, turn taking and anticipation skills.

06.03.24- Caimans enjoyed interactions and sensory play in the light and sound room today.

05.03.24- Visit to Headland park! We had fun climbing and playing together! We used our gross motor skills and balancing skills to climb and move around the play equipment.

01.03.24- Sensory activities! We loved engaging and exploring in water play watching bath fizzers dissolve, dry and wet pasta, scented dough and angel delight!

29.02.24- Mark making using different media. We copied circular movements using crayons, felt tips and chalks.

28.02.24- Matching tasks linked to our story 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'

28.02.24- The Very Hungry Caterpillar story! We enjoyed exploring the props and counting the different fruits for each day.

26.02.24- Our colour table this week is Green!

14.02.24- Valentines Day! Today the children enjoyed making Valentines cards for their loved ones, and decorating heart shaped biscuits.

14.02.24 - Heart shaped crumpets for breakfast today for Valentines Day. We worked on our independence skills and spread the jam onto the crumpet by ourselves!

13.02.24- Exploring roses and flowers in Tesco today!

13.02.24- Cookery- Making Valentines themed cupcakes.

13.02.24- Pancake day! We enjoyed making pink pancakes and taking it in turn to mix the ingredients. We chose our toppings and some of us tried the pancakes with lemon, sugar and golden syrup.

12.02.24- Messy play- Exploring our colour of the week 'Red' through different textures.

07.02.24- Our Chinese New Year 'stay and play' assembly. We had lots of fun making dragon masks, tasting and exploring Chinese foods, using chopsticks to pick up fortune cookies and dancing with ribbon sticks to Chinese music.

Who's ready for our Chinese New Year Activities?

26.01.24 - DT Cookery - Today we made Chinese vegetable curry and egg fried rice! We enjoyed chopping the vegetables and exploring each one through smell, taste and touch.

23.01.24- Trip to Seaton arcades! We loved changing our money and using the different arcade machines. We then exchanged our tickets we had won for some snacks.

22.01.24- PSED - Parachute games! Caimans had fun working as a team to keep the Panda teddy on our parachute!

11.01.24 - Sensory food play- The children enjoyed exploring different tastes, smells and textures with fruits. They were encouraged to use the spoon appropriately to explore.

09.01.24 - Physical & sensory - Sensory breakouts on our indoor swing!

08.01.24 - Literacy: Sensory story - The children enjoyed listening to our new story 'Polar Bear, Polar Bear, what do you hear?' and exploring related props.

08.01.24- Physical Development - Working on our targets in Rebound Therapy!

05.01.24 - Physical development - Dough disco & manipulating playdough independently.

05.01.24- Today we played Winter bingo. We worked in a group, listened for the words to be shouted out and could match the pictures.

04.01.24- We love our new writing equipment and had fun with the peg boards making patterns.

03.01.24- Welcome back Caimans! We have had a busy morning engaging together in lots of different activities- stacking, matching and fine motor skill development.

19.12.23- Our special visitor Santa came to deliver our presents today! Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year! See you in 2024!

15.12.23 - Caimans Christmas dinner!

14.12.23- It's party time! Caimans loved dancing, playing pass the parcel and eating party food!

13.12.23 - Polar Express Day! Caiman class had fun exploring new taste and smells with hot chocolate and marshmallows, playing together on our pretend train and handing our train tickets to the conductor. We enjoyed looking at the 'Polar Express' book and pointing out Santa and his reindeer. in the pictures.

11.12.23- Messy exploration with different textures!

5.12.23 - Taking turns dressing our class Christmas tree!

5.12.23 - Caimans visited Santa's Grotto today in town and posted their Santa letters through the postbox.

4.12.23- Christmas crafts! We decorated our own Christmas trees using glitter, foil paper and other textured materials.

01.12.23 - Caimans enjoyed playing games and buying Christmas crafts at our Christmas Fayre!

01.12.23- Christmas Cookery- Today we made star biscuits and decorated them with icing sugar and Christmas sprinkles.

29.11.23- Art- Working collaboratively to sponge paint our chimney for Christmas!

28.11.23- Maths - Some of our children engaging in stacking and building towers!

27.11.23 - The children loved a surprise visit from Pudsey bear!

24.11.23- Today we made chocolate crispy cakes in cookery! We all took turns to stir the cornflakes into the chocolate and scooped the mixture into the cake cases.

24.11.23- Linked to our 'Robots, Robots Everywhere' story we made our own robots from junk modelling materials.

23.11.23 - Sensory & Physical - Fun interactions using stretchy material!

20.11.23- Rebound therapy - Working hard on our communication skills in our rebound session today!

17.11.23- Children in need- Look at our Pudsey cakes!

17.11.23- We enjoyed making fairy cakes today in cookery and decorating them like Pudsey the bear for Children in need!

15.11.23- Understanding the world - Robot exploration - Today we participated in some group and individual exploration. We enjoyed looking at each toy and how it works.

14.11.23- Literacy- Exploring props from our new story 'Robots, Robots Everywhere!'

13.11.23- Our exciting tuff tray ready for the children to explore linked to our new story Robot Robots Eveywhere!

10.11.23- Remembrance day poppy handprints!

10.11.23- Today in cookery we made vegetable soup and used our senses smell, touch and taste to explore each vegetable. We were supported to chop them up ready to add to the soup! We then tasted our delicious soup at snack time.

7.11.23 - Communication & Interaction - PECS in the pool! We all worked hard in swimming today and communicated our choices of toys to explore!

26.10.23- Halloween in Caiman class! We have loved taking part in lots of different spooky activities. We visited different classes trick or treating, explored halloween objects on the interactive mat, explored pumpkins, jelly and spaghetti and made our own ghost lanterns!

25.10.23- Understanding the World- Today we sorted our leaves and Autumn natural objects into colours and categories.

25.10.23- Harvest assembly. We loved exploring different coloured foods and using our senses of taste, smell and touch!

24.10.23- Understanding the World - Today we visited Wynyard Woodland park for an Autumn walk. We used our senses to experience and explore signs of Autumn by collecting red, brown and orange leaves, twigs, berries, pine cones and conkers. We are going to use the natural materials and objects to sort into different colours.

23.10.23- Shopping for pumpkins to make Pumpkin soup!

23.10.23 - Look at our new 'Autumn sensory exploration tray'. The children love exploring the conkers, pine cones, leaves and bark.

20.10.23 - Sensory & Physical - Today we made apple crumble and explored taste, texture and smell.

13.10.23 - Writing- Mark making. Today we all practised making lines that go up and down and circles that go round and round!

13.10.23 - DT- Cookery. Today we made dog bone biscuits. The children all took turns to mix the ingredients and explore each in turn. We then decorated the with icing and spinkles.

12.10.23 - Sensory & Physical- We loved exploring in the dinosaur jelly bath today! We enjoyed the texture and squeezing and sprinkling it.

10.10.23- Mental Health Day! Caimans enjoyed a sensory afternoon, choosing their favourite sensory activities to engage in. We had bubbles, relaxing foot spa's, sensory bags with different textures and used our new sensory den space to explore light up objects.

9.10.23 - Today in our story communication session, we used our PECS book to name the animals from the story and worked on expanding our sentences creating three element sentences.

7.10.23- Fun at the farm! Caimans enjoyed exploring the animals at the farm. We searched for the rabbits from our story and some of us were brave and handled them.

6.10.23 - Art - We used the leaves we had collected to make dinosaurs! We finger painted the spikes on!

5.10.23 - Book exploration - Sharing books in our school library!

4.10.23 - Understanding the World- Today in the light room we explored light and used the colourful torches to create light to be able to see in the dark like Kipper at bedtime. The children explored each animal from Kipper's Toybox story and placed them into the dark box.

02.10.23- PSHE- Parachute fun! We practised our turn taking skills and worked as a group to participate in team ball games.

02.10.23 - Literacy - Our new story this week is 'Kippers Toy Box'. We enjoyed exploring the story props and emptying the cardboard toy box to find the different animals.

29.09.23 -Art- Dinosaur sponge painting!

28.09.23 - Fine motor development using scented dough which we made earlier on in the day.