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Welcome to Jaguar Class



Jaguar Class is an Autism Specific Class made up of 8 Key Stage 1&2 children.

Our class staff are: Andrew - class teacher

                       Annette - HLTA

                       Zoe, Beth, Claire - teaching Assistants



The children follow an adapted curriculum appropriate to their individual needs. We follow the TEACCH approach at regular intervals throughout the day. 

Each day we participate in the 'Attention Autism' program.


Our weekly PE session will be on Friday's. We will keep PE kits in school and send them home at the end of every half term.

Our weekly swimming session will be on a Thursday afternoon, please send in swim kits each week.


Thursday - Swimming

Friday    - PE

Jaguar Class Spring Term Topic Web - Nature

4 3 24 History: Lidl Then and Now - We explored photos of before Lidl was built and then visited Lid to see how it looks 'Now'.

4/3/24 Computing: Collecting and exploring Minibeasts - We went out into the outside area to look for and collect minibeasts. We then brought them back to the classroom and looked at them using magnifiers..

28/2/24 RE: Eid celebration food - We had fun making paratha's and tasting some food that may be eaten at an Eid celebration.

26/2/24 PSHE: Exploring the difference between boys and girls clothes.

15/2/24 Geography: Exploring Summerhill - We visited Summerhill Park and explored the trees and plants we could find and collected leaves and twigs.

12/2/24 Science: Planting seeds

8/2/24 History: Exploring Grayfield's past and present - We looked at some old photograph's of Grayfield's in class and then went and explored how it looks 'Now'.

2/2/24 Joint Communication Group w/ Dragon class: making cheese scones

15/1/24 Art: Making box gardens

15/1/24 Science: Exploring trees in the winter - we visited a park to look at and explore the trees in winter.

Class Story - The Monkey Puzzle

Jaguar Class Autumn Term Topic Web - Old and New

13/12/23 RE: We listened to the Nativity story then we talked about the presents that were given to Jesus from the 3 kings. We then played pass the parcel.

7/12/23 RE: We listened to the Nativity story, then made crowns for the kings.

17/11/23 Children in Need Day

13.10.23 Literacy: We listened to the story 'Stomp Chomp, Big Roars, Here come the Dinosaurs' then followed instructions to make some playdough and then used some small dinosaurs to make prints in the dough.

9/10/23 Science - Wind Toys: Jaguar class went into the outside area and explored a range of toys that can be moved by the wind.

29/9/23 - PSHE: Brushing Teeth and Bathing - We have been exploring how we can care for ourselves. We had fun brushing the big teeth and bathing the baby.

20/9/2023 - PSHE: We are beginning to explore how we can care for ourselves, today we looked at how we can wash our hands.
