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Autumn Term

 Our Topic this term is Entertainment.


Our first story is Kitchen Disco.


Kitchen Disco

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In Literacy, we explored a range of toys and enjoyed role playing with the different toys. We had a tea party, met the animals in the jungle and on the ark. We also enjoyed meeting the King, Queen, the Prince and Princess.

PE - Thursday 12th September 2024. We moved round the MUGA in different ways and practiced our stopping and starting skills.

Monday 16th September PHSE. In our PHSE sessions we have met Jenie Jigsaw and Jerrie the Cat who have played with us in class. We enjoyed playing with our toys and we are beginning to put our toys away with help from our teachers.

Every morning Panda Class take part in Dough Disco to help their fine motor skills. We really enjoy it and can follow the instructions on the screen.

How many cubes? Panda Class had to count the cubes to find out how many cubes there were in the sets. We also matched sausages to pans to check if we had enough.

Thursday 19th September - we worked as team to move the parachute in PE. We had lots of fun.

Monday 23rd September 2024: Science. Our Science topic is materials. We have used our sense of touch to explore materials and decide if they were hard or soft or rough and smooth.

Our new story is Giraffes can't dance.

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Rocking into the weekend with the Panda Class Band..In music we enjoyed exploring the instruments and had great fun exploring the different sounds they make.

Thursday 3rd October 2024. Our number rhyme is 1,2,3,4,5 Once I caught a fish alive. Some of us have been fishing today. We enjoyed catching the fish with magnets and then counting how many we caught.

In History we have been looking at what our parents and grandparents did in the past for entertainment. We played with Janis' toys from when she was a little girl. We enjoyed playing with Snoopy the dog.

History. Playing with old toys.

History old toys

We have really enjoyed our story Giraffes can't Dance. We enjoyed waltzing, jiving, doing a tango and a cha-cha-cha.

Our new story is called I say Boo you say Hoo.

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We have been very busy this week with Halloween activities linked to our story as well as celebrating a birthday in class.

More Halloween activities.

Monday 4th November. Our new story is Mini Monsters Can I Play?

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Panda Class enjoy singing number rhymes.

In Science, we have been looking at materials. We have talked about what objects are made of like wood, glass and plastic. We also sorted materials by texture -rough or smooth.

In Art, we have been printing with a range of different objects this term.

Music and Computing.


As part of our music and computing work, we sang our favourite songs, dance whilst one of our friends recorded us on the iPad.

We all thought of our own songs. 

We hope that you enjoy watching us.

music and ict singing 8 nov 24 001.MOV

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In maths, Panda Class have been working on tall and short. We built towers outside using the big blocks.Some of our towers were bigger than us so we used our problem solving skills to try to make ourselves taller using the blocks.

In Geography this term we have been learning about our school. We have talked about the different places in school and used photos to find different rooms around school. This week we made a map

Every Friday morning Panda Class enjoy sharing a selection of different books. We like to have a story with our teachers or read on our own. We also like to read the stories that we have read in class.

Thank you for coming to our assembly this morning.

Today Panda Class had a visit from Ronnie, our PAT dog and Val. We were all pleased to see Ronnie.

Our story is Dogs do Ballet

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In PHSE we have been playing some different games like domines and fruit salad. We worked on our turn taking skills and waiting our turn as well as helping our friends.

Our last story of the term is The Snowy Day.

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This week in Panda Class we have been celebrating a birthday. We enjoyed sharing cake and crisps.

Last week we enjoyed the Christmas Fayre. We had lots of fun exploring the activities.

This week we loved judging Springwell's Bake Off. All the cakes were amazing. Paul Hollywood hand shakes all round.

In RE, we have learnt about the story of the Nativity. We talked about the people in the story , Mary, Joseph and Baby Jesus. We learnt the Makaton signs for them. We used some small world characters to retell the story of the Nativity.
