Anaconda Class 2020-2021

Anaconda Class is a Key Stage 2 Autism Specific Class.
Teacher: Nicola
Teaching Assistants: Shelby, Gemma and Helen.
HLTA: Annette
leavers powerpoint.mp4
We will miss our lovely Anacondas!!!! Have fun at your new school xxx
Ben's last year at Springwell xx
Charlie's last year at Springwell!
Cole's last year at Springwell!!
Lydia's last year at Springwell!!!
William's last year at Springwell!!!
Anaconda Class:
Anaconda Class follows the National Curriculum which is differentiated individually for each child. The children have their own workstation and follow the TEACCH approach. The children have their own workboxes with activities appropriate to their needs and targets. The children will access whole class (7) groups, small groups and individual teaching sessions.
Welcome back everyone!
As with many areas of life currently, there are a few considerations to bear in mind while coronavirus restrictions are still in place.
Classes are 'bubbled', meaning, at first, at least, we will not be mixing with other classes, nor will many of our normal weekly activities be available. These include all swimming activities, all off-site activities, and soft play.
Children will remain in the classroom more than they usually would, including at dinner time, though we hope to reintegrate all typical activities as soon as possible.
Other important pieces of information are listed below:-
- The drop off time for children in South America is 8:50, and pick up is 3:00. Please stick to these times as closely as possible, to avoid mixing with parents and children from other bubbles.
- School uniforms are to be worn (though they no-longer need daily washing).
- Children should have their hands washed before coming to school in the morning. Regular hand washing will take place during the school day.
- In the event of a positive coronavirus test within our bubble, all children and staff will be sent home to self-isolate as per the government guidelines. If this happens I will phone you to consult on how you feel I could best help you support your child's learning from home, and provide whatever assistance I can (assuming of course it isn't me that tests positive, and I am well enough to do so). In the case that it is myself who is ill, another member of staff will get in touch to provide support and ideas, and consult on how we can help you from home.
If you have any questions, or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to get in touch,
Nicola x
Anaconda Class joined a Zoom class with 10 authors. They really enjoyed listening to the stories and joining in with the different activities set by the authors.
Easter Bunny pays a visit to Anaconda Class!!!
Friday 26.2.21
Good morning Anacondas! The sun is shining and its a lovely day, it would be lovely if you could get outside and enjoy that today!
I have updated the HOMEWORK section on Education City and you have your work packs to complete xx
I will upload some videos for you to have a look at and a story for you to enjoy xxx
See you all Monday lots of love Nicola, Shelby, Gemma and Helen xxxx
Grumpy Monkey - Books Alive! Read Aloud!
Books Alive! Read aloud Suzanne and Max Lang's best-selling children's book about how sometimes you just have to let grumpy have space and run its course. We...
How Do Animals Survive in the Arctic? - Animals for Kids - Educational Video
Facts for kids! How do animals survive in the icy Arctic? How do they protect themselves from freezing? How do they find food? What actually is a tundra? You...
The Life of a Baby Polar Bear - Ep. 4 | Wildlife: The Big Freeze
In this episode we witness one of the Arctic's most magical moments. With the help of a one-of-a-kind local tracker, we find a female polar bear fresh out of...
* POLAR BEAR * | Animals For Kids | All Things Animal TV
POLAR BEAR * | Animals For KidsQuality, educational videos for kids. Made in the UK.Subscribe to All Things Animal TV! here:
Thursday 25.2.21
Good Morning Anacondas, well done for all your hard work yesterday! You are all working so hard! I have updated the HOMEWORK section on Education City for you. I will upload some videos for our new topic about Polar Regions. Any problems please get in touch lots of love Nicola, Shelby, Gemma and Helen xxx
A Walk in the Arctic for Kids | Educational Video for Early Learners
Bring the arctic into your classroom with this free video from My Big World magazine for Pre-K. Your students will learn fun facts about one of the coldest p...
Antarctica for Kids: Cool Facts About Antarctica for Children - FreeSchool
Antarctica, the southernmost continent on Earth, was not discovered by people until modern times. It is the fifth largest continent and the coldest, windiest...
Antarctica | Destination World
Experience the coldest continent on the planet in this episode of "Destination World." Even though the blistering cold keeps away all but the most adventurou...
Wednesday 24.2.21
Good Morning Anacondas, hope you are all good! I have been in school for the last two days sorting out lots of things ready for when we are back in next week! Next week we will be starting to look at Polar Regions I hope you enjoyed the videos on Monday. I will upload some more for you to watch x
I am so impressed with all your hard work on Education City! Well done there will be some more prizes ready for you all next week.
I have uploaded some more activities in the HOMEWORK section on Education City xx
Keep up the good work we are so proud of you lots of love Nicola, Shelby, Gemma and Helen xxxx
Life in the Polar regions | BBC Teach
A look at the Polar biome and how plants and animals have adapted to live in this biome.Ferne Corrigan describes the location of the two Polar regions and de...
The Arctic vs. the Antarctic - Camille Seaman
Monday 22.2.21
Good Morning Anacondas! Hope you have had a lovely half term. Most of you will have a work pack and if you don't I will be dropping it off this morning. I have updated the HOMEWORK section on Education City with some new activities. Next week when we are in school we will be looking at Polar Regions for Geography so I will upload some videos for you to watch xxx I am in school today if anybody needs to contact me speak soon Nicola, Shelby, Gemma and Helen.
The Girl Who Went to the North Pole | Fascinating Facts about the Arctic | Twinkl
Lets take a trip to the ❄️North Pole❄️ with this animated classroom story!This video is stuffed with all sorts of fascinating facts about the Arctic and the ...
Exploring the Arctic for Kids: Arctic Animals and Climates for Children - FreeSchool - Help support more content like this!The Arctic is an amazing place! You probably know that it is a very cold, icy place, hom...
9.2.2021 - We had lots of fun playing in the snow today!
Friday 5th February 2021
Good Morning it was lovely to see some of you yesterday! You are all working so hard and we are very proud of you xx Today I have included some work on Earthquakes in your home learning packs- we will be looking at this next week in school so this is a little introduction. I will put some videos on here after this post. I have updated your activities in the HOMEWORK section of Education City. Hope you enjoy your sensory packs and I would love to see some pictures lots of love Nicola, Shelby, Gemma and Helen xx
What Is An Earthquake? | The Dr. Binocs Show | Educational Videos For Kids
Learn about Earthquake in detail with Dr. Binocs.Hey kids, learn interesting facts and details of Earthquake with Dr. Binocs. While Earthquake as a topic is ...
What Causes Earthquakes?
If you enjoyed this video, you will also love the science videos from our friends at They make science videos and lesson...
Earthquakes 101 | National Geographic
Earthquakes are unpredictable and can strike with enough force to bring buildings down. Find out what causes earthquakes, why they're so deadly, and what's b...
Thursday 4th February 2021
Good Morning Anacondas! Well done for completing your work yesterday! You are all working really hard! There will be lots of prizes next week! For today I have uploaded some activities into the HOMEWORK section on Education City and you have your Thursday work pack to complete. Keep up your amazing work and I will speak to you soon xxx
Explore Volcanoes With Nat Geo Kids! | Nat Geo Kids Volcano Playlist
Discover the very best volcano videos YouTube has to offer - brought to you by National Geographic Kids!➡ Subscribe for more National Geographic Kids videos:...
Incredible Krakatoa volcano eruptions at night | anak krakatau 2018
Archive footage from 25th October 2018 showing Krakatau volcano erupting spectacularly in Indonesia.A larger eruption some weeks later from the same volcano ...
Volcanic eruption explained - Steven Anderson
Dig into the science of how new volcanoes form, and what causes their unpredictable eruptions. --In February of 1942, Mexican farmer Dionisio Pulido thought ...
Wednesday 3rd February 2021
Good Morning Anacondas I am so proud of all your hard work so far this week, well done xxx Today we will be continuing our work on Fractions and our topic work on Volcanoes! I hope you enjoyed the videos yesterday- I will add a few more today for you to watch x Enjoy and don't forget to send me some pictures of your volcanoes! Lots of love Nicola, Shelby, Gemma and Helen xxx
Volcanoes for Kids | A fun and engaging introduction to volcanoes for children
Our Volcanoes for Kids video is a fun and engaging way to introduce volcanoes to children. In this video kids will learn all about volcanoes and take away ...
How Do Volcano Erupt? | Educational Video for kids with Ryan ToysReview
Let's learn How Do Volcanoes Erupt for kids and what is a volcano? What is the difference between a magma and a lava! Ahhhhh the floor is lava!!! But, What i...
Volcano - video for kids || Volcano eruptions
Let's learn about volcano.For more videos go to:
Tuesday 2nd February 2021
Good Morning Anacondas! Well done for all your hard work yesterday! For today I have updated the HOMEWORK section on Education City and you have your Tuesday work packs to complete. Today I have included some work on volcanoes which we were investigating last week. Hope you enjoy x I have put a Powerpoint, links and video on here for you to watch xxx Have fun xx
Volcano | The Dr. Binocs Show | Learn Videos For Kids
Learn what a volcano is and how does it erupt Hey kids! Have you ever heard of a volcanic eruption? Do words like Molten Rock, Lava and Magma scare you? Well...
Monday 1st February 2021
Good Morning Anacondas, I hope you all had a lovely weekend. I have uploaded your activities in the HOMEWORK section of Education City and you should all have your work packs. We did lots of work about fractions last week so there are some fractions activities to keep you busy! Enjoy and any problems get in touch love Nicola, Shelby, Gemma and Helen.
The World's Worst Children 3 - The Terrible Triplets by David Walliams- Hope you enjoy listening to another one of the stories from the collection we have been reading in class.
The World's Worst Children 3 - The Terrible Triplets by David Walliams.Illustrated by Tony Ross.
Friday 22nd January 2021
Good morning Anacondas we are very proud of you all this week working so hard at home! There will be lots of prizes given out next week!! Enjoy the last day at home before we are back together on Monday xx I have uploaded some activities in the HOMEWORK section on Education City, have fun xx Love from Nicola, Shelby, Gemma and Helen.
The World's Worst Children 3 - Bonnie Bossypants by David Walliams
The World's Worst Children 3 - Bonnie Bossypants by David Walliams
Thursday 21st January 2021
Good morning Anacondas well done for all your brilliant work yesterday, we are very proud of you x I have updated the HOMEWORK section on Education City with some activities for you to do, enjoy xxx Any problems get in touch x
David Walliams - The World's Worst Children 2 - Trish The Troll. Hope you enjoy listening to another one of our favourite series.
David Walliams - The World's Worst Children 2 - Trish The Troll
Wednesday 20th January 2021
Good morning Anacondas! Well done for working so hard yesterday it was lovely to see some of your work and I can see you have been working hard on Education City too. I have put some activities in the Wednesday file in the HOMEWORK section for today. Keep working hard we are all very proud of you xxx
See you soon Nicola, Shelby, Gemma and Helen.
David Walliams - The World's Worst Children 2 - Spoiled Brad
David Walliams - The World's Worst Children 2 - Spoiled Brad
Tuesday 19th January 2021
Good morning Anacondas hope you are all well. I have uploaded some activities on Education City for you to work through, please use your individual login and the activities will be in the HOMEWORK section. If you need a reminder of your login let me know and I will sort that out for you. I'm in school today if you need anything love Nicola xx
Alan's Big Scary Teeth - Books Alive! 19.1.21
Books Alive read out loud Jarvis frighteningly funny account of Alan's Big Scary Teeth and even bigger secret! Will the jungle animals still be scared of him...
Monday 18th January 2021
Good morning Anacondas! Hope everyone is well. I have put todays activities in the homework section of Education City for you. You should all have your work for today - if you haven't I will be dropping it off this morning for you. Any problems please get in touch- I will be in school today and tomorrow. Stay safe love Nicola, Shelby, Gemma and Helen.
I have uploaded a story for you to listen to x Enjoy xx
Huggie and Stick - Books Alive! Read Aloud!
Books Alive! Read aloud a road trip adventure story with 2 "best" friends written by "the day the crayons quit" Drew DaywaltMore funny reads here https://www...
Wednesday 6.1.20
Morning everyone, I have set up some activities for the children to do on Education City. All the children should have their login but if they don't, let me know and I will sort that out. If you need anything else get in touch and I will do my best to help xxxx
Stay safe xx
Thursday 7.1.21
Good morning Anacondas hope everyone is ok, I have put some activities in the Homework section on Education City. Any problems logging on let me know and I will try and sort that out for you thanks Nicola x Any issues you can contact me anytime x
Non- Uniform Day 2020- the children enjoyed dressing in their own clothes and brought in a delicious selection of chocolates for our raffle.
11/11/20 Poppy Day! The children enjoyed making and decorating poppies for the display at the front of school.
History: we have been learning about seaside holidays in the past. The children enjoyed exploring all the different artefacts and props.
Maths! Anacondas have been working very hard in our maths lessons including sharing equally and fractions.
24.11.20 We enjoyed being back at Mill House for our swimming lessons.
Theo brought us some beautiful Christmas decorations he has made with his Mam. Thank you Theo.
Anaconda class have enjoyed lots of different Christmas activities. We have sang songs, made biscuits, done lots of arts and crafts and enjoyed our Christmas lunch.
Anaconda class had a special visitor today!!