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School Uniform

Boys uniform

Girls uniform



Black or grey trousers

Black or grey skirt, trousers or pinafore dress

Turquoise poloshirt

Turquoise poloshirt

Navy sweatshirt/cardigan

Navy sweatshirt/cardigan

Appropriate school shoes

Appropriate school shoes

PE kit                                                               


Black Shorts                                                  

White T-shirt                                                  

Plimsolls or training shoes


Tracksuit/jogging bottoms are not essential but your child may wish to wear them during after-school sports clubs and outdoor PE lessons.


Swimming kit


Swimming costume/trunks (swim shorts are not allowed)

Swim nappy if required, can be purchased online.



Poloshirts, sweatshirts, cardigans and other uniform items can be purchased directly from our uniform supplier Elizabeths Schoolwear via their website Springwell School – Elizabeths Schoolwear.


All other items do not need to be expensive and can be purchased fairly cheaply from local stores.


Please could you ensure that all uniform is labelled with your child’s name.
