Home Page


Welcome to Pangolin Class! The children in Pangolin class have a range of profound and complex learning difficulties, often alongside physical difficulties that hinder co-ordination and prevent a full range of movement. To cater for their needs the children in Pangolin class follow our Sparkle Curriculum Path. Children following Sparkle Curriculum have personalised learning plans set out under the same headings as their Education, Health and Care Plan. Objectives from their EHCP are incorporated within this personalised learning plan. Pangolins is a multi-sensory, active, bright and fun class incorporating lots of communication support, sensory play and physical therapy/activity. My name is Sam Beacher and I am the teacher. Alongside me works Pam - our HLTA; Katie, Kay, Fiona and Jeanette - our TA's; and Aleisha - our apprentice. We hope you enjoy the photos we put up - please feel free to get in touch if you would like to!



Room on the Broom Assembly

We have been enjoying practicing our physical activity skills in the sunshine in our outside area. Sliding, jumping squirting, splashing, climbing and running .We decided to play with water....LOTS of water :) Some of us got very wet. We used mirrors to see what we looked like before and after getting wet.

We all had fun celebrating Africa Day. We looked at different objects, listened to African music, played the drums and make a beautiful necklace .
