Thursday 28th January
Good morning my lovely Zebras!
Phonics- This morning will be our last look at our sound of the week 'g'. Yesterday we looked at different objects and started to sort them into two piles, objects beginning with 'g' and objects that have different initial letter sounds. Can you think of some of the 'g' words from this week? Have a go at sorting some different household objects and see if you can spot any beginning with 'g'. Say them out loud and write them down if you can.
Challenge - Use the 'g' words and put them into a sentence. Parents/carers could write the sentence first and you could write over the sentence, copy the sentence or try having a go at writing it independently.
Food Technology - We would usually have cookery this morning, please help your Mum or Dad to prepare a snack or your lunch. You could help make a toastie or sandwich with your favourite filling! Here are some instructions below!
Geography - This afternoon it would be Geography. We are looking at different types of weather! What types of weather do we get? Look at the 'Weather' powerpoint attached below and talk about each one. Can you remember any Makaton signs for different weathers we look at each morning?
Watch Mr Tumble's Weather songs below on Youtube!
What is your favourite weather? Try learning how to sign "My favourite weather is...."
Draw and colour a picture associated with your favourite weather.
Friday 29th January
Good morning Zebras, hope you are all well!
Maths- To warm up, join in with the counting song attached below.
Today we are focusing on our counting skills and number formation! Begin by counting as far as you can and then count backwards from that number. Next, have a go at writing the numbers 1-10 and remember to form them correctly. You could start by writing over your Mum or Dads numbers and then have a go yourself!
Wellbeing - Golden time!-After a busy week, try and choose an activity to help you relax and chill. You could listen to some music, colour in, play with your favourite toys or play a game with someone in your house.
Have a lovely weekend! I will be in touch during next week.
Don't forget to send any photographs of you completing the activities to my email: