Week commencing 01-03-21
Well done Lillymay! You have worked very hard at home and your are producing some fantastic work EVERYDAY! I knew your own version of the Oompa-Loompa song would include tractors! Keep up the great work. Great work Reece! Well done with identifying missing numbers to 10 and 20. Can you now try and count beyond 20 and even test yourself by asking an adult to cover a number to see if you can identify the missing number.
Week Commencing 08-02-21
Here are some examples of the fantastic work children have been doing at home! As you can see the children in Dragon Class have also been having lots of fun at home. Great baking skills Reece! It looks like your enjoying the snow Tylor. It's nice to see your getting lots of exercise Lillymay.
Here are some examples of the work produced in Dragon Class this week. Well done Lillymay, you have been working very hard at identifying different fractions of a range of shapes and that is clear in this work. Great work Jayden - stay happy and keep going! I like the alternative words for said - well done!