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Welcome to Caiman Class


Caiman Class is an Autism Specific Class for Key Stage 1 and  2 children. There are five members of staff, Andrew Mayson the teacher, Annette (HLTA), Allison, Shelby and Nick.  

The children follow an adapted curriculum appropriate to their individual needs. We follow the TEACCH approach at regular intervals throughout the day. 

The children have regular swimming lessons at Mill House Swimming Pool, Rebound and PE lessons. This term the children will participate in music lessons provided by Tees Valley Music Service. 

This term our topic is 'The World and Explorers' (summer 2019).

Literacy - Where The Wild Things Are, How to be a Viking, Vikings, On the Moon, Walking Through The Jungle 

Science - Seasonal Changes

History - Vikings & Anglo-Saxons

Art - Tie Dye T-Shirts

D&T - Sandwiches & Snacks

Geography - Maps & Mapping

RE - Eid (Islam)

Music - Stories and Rhymes

PHSE - Spirituality

This term our topic is 'Stories' (Spring 2019)


Literacy - The Jolly Postman, The Little Red

 Hen, The 3 little Pigs, Hansel & Gretel, Charlie 

Cooks Favourite Book 

Science - Homes

History - Pirates

Art - Colour Mixing and the illustrations of Eric 


D&T - Puppets

Geography - Water, water Everywhere

RE - Easter

Music - Stories and Rhymes

PHSE - Spirituality

Caiman Class Topic Web - Stories

This week Caiman Class have been doing the bunny bounce during our daily yoga sessions.

Cosmic Kids Yoga Disco | Bunny Bounce Welcome back to the Yoga Disco! This one is all about the Bunny Hops! A kids yoga move to work the body! (On the way to handstand...) Do the Bunny Bounce - and bounce around the living room!

2/4/19: Caiman Class Reading Cafe - Our parents came to visit us in class and we read our favourite stories and made bread from Andrew's favourite cookbook.

1/4/19: Borrowing books from the library - We visited the central library to find books that we like and then we used our ICT skills to use the electronic checking out system.

25/3/19: We have been exploring the story of 'Charlie Cook's Favourite Book', so we visited the library and bookshop to find our favourite books.

Each day after lunch we have been taking part in Yoga sessions. Here is an example of the sessions we have been following.

Remember to subscribe! Yoga, mindfulness and relaxation designed especially for kids aged 3+, used in schools and homes all over the world. Healthy screen time with fun and movement. Remember to subscribe! * You can now support us directly on Patreon: * Instagram your yoga heroes #cosmickidsyoga * Try our Zen Den mindfulness meditations -!

21/3/19: Communication with Cheryl (SALTA) - Today Elephant joined us to help us with our communication session. We all had lots of fun!!!

14/3/19: We have been exploring water from different sources (Pond, Sea, Muddy Rain Puddle, Tap). We used pipettes to drop water onto the filters to see how clean the water is.

6/3/19: World Math's day PE - We have been exploring the story of 'The Shopping Basket'. During PE we followed and obstacle course and followed directions such as whole turn, half turn, quarter turn, 3 quarter turn and positional language such as on, in, under, over, through, across. During the obstacle course we carried the shopping basket and collected the shopping as we went around.

GEOGRAPHY: Investigating sources of water around school.

7/2/19 - Communication with Cheryl (SALTA): We have been exploring a sensory walk and talking about how it feels and describing the textures; Playing fishing for questions and asking and answering with a partner; and exploring feely bags and describing objects.

7/2/19: Making pirate punch

31/1/19: Communication group with Cheryl (SALTA)

24/1/19 - Communication group with Cheryl (SALTA)

23/1/19: Art (Colour Mixing) - Painting Mister Seahorse by Eric Carle

22/1/19: Literacy - Reading and following instructions to make jam sandwiches.

21/1/19: Literacy - Writing and delivering invitations for Lord Teddington's birthday party.

17/1/19: Art - Mixing shades and tints and painting Eric Carle style caterpillars.

17/1/19: Communication - we have been working with Cheryl (SALTA) to develop our individual communication skills by playing board games in groups.

16/1/19: Literacy - Delivering Birthday Cards and Posting Letters. Caiman Class have been exploring the story of 'The Jolly Postman' and have been writing birthday cards for Lord Teddington and delivering them to Mrs Westly. We have also been writing postcards for Mrs Westly and we went on a walk to post them into the postbox.

9/1/19 - 10/1/19 : Colour Mixing & Kandinsky

This term our topic is 'Healthy & Active Lives'


Literacy - From Head to Toes, The Enormous Turnip, Funny Bones, I don't want to wash my hands, Keep Running Gingerbread Man,The smartest Giant in Town and A Very Snowy Christmas

Science - Ourselves

History - Guy Fawkes

Art - portraits and self-portraits

D&T - Keeping clean, looking smart

Geography - Foods around the world

RE - Shabbat and Christmas

Music - Action Songs

PHSE - Healthy Choices

Caiman Class Autumn Topic Web - Healthy and Active Lives

29/11/18 Caiman Class assembly: We enjoyed retelling the story, 'The Enormous Turnip'.

21.11.18 Geography: Exploring where food is produced around the world - We went on visit to Lidl and bought a range of different fruit and vegetables. We then came back to class and tasted each one and looked at a map to see where they had been grown.

A Mile a Day - We have been taking part in the mile a day project and have lots of fun running in the outside area each day.

5/11/18: Bonfire Night - We have been exploring and learning about bonfire night and fireworks

17.10.18 - During RE we have been exploring Shabbat celebrations and traditions and we have been making our own Challah bread.

9/10/18 - We have been exploring the story 'I Don't Want To Wash My Hands' and following instructions to wash our own hands.

3.10.2018 - No Pens Wednesday Maths: During maths we explored shapes in soapy water to find and name 2D shapes and their features.

3.10.2018 - No Pens Wednesday Literacy: During literacy explored ways of making our hands dirty using mud, cocoa powder, apple pie filling, custard and golden syrup. We then gave each other instructions 'How to wash our hands'.

DT Exploring and making bubble machines

Maths - Heavier and Lighter

Literacy: Making Enormous Turnip soup

Exploring the story From Head to Toe
