Last day of Home Learning.... Happy Friday Pangolins.
Today’s plan is our story and songs then number time and Friday afternoon is Golden Time.
Let’s get started.
Activity - Please complete the colour matching game from the Home Learning Pack or find red things in your house.
Time for our story and songs.
Activity - Mark Making use any pens, crayons or paints at home and encourage your child to mark make. Encourage your child to look at the paper as they make marks and move the pen across the page.
Time for Playtime- play alongside your child, talking about what you do.
Snack Time.
Keep trying different snacks.
Time for Numbers.
Activity - Sing the rhyme, count the monkeys and try the rhymes.
Lunch Time.
Keep trying different foods.
This afternoon is Golden Time, a reward for all your hard work.
Let your child pick a favourite activity.
Hopefully, fingers crossed, home learning has finished.
Thank you for all your support and we can’t wait to see everyone back in school in our Pangolin bubble.
Janis, Karen, Niamh, Sandra and Sue