Good Morning Elephants! Lets start the day with a song.
Start This Day With a Song | Start the Day Song | Good Morning Song Jack Hartmann
Letters and Sounds - This week we are learning the 'ck' digraph. Please the game below. Read the words ending in 'ck' and decide if they are real or not real words.
Literacy - Last week in Geography we learned about weather and we listened to 'Elmer's Weather'. Watch the story below. Can you remember which type of weather Elmer likes best? What is your favourite type of weather? What is your Mam's favourite weather? Can you draw a picture of your favourite weather and copy and complete the sentence 'My favourite weather is ...............'.
Elmer's Weather - Read Aloud
Maths - This week we are learning to tell the time to o'clock. Listen to the song below and play the 'Tell the Time to the Hour' game. Then try to complete the clock sheet that is in your back by looking at the clock faces and writing the times underneath.
"What Time Is It?" - Telling the Time Song for Children, What's the Time? Kids English Nursery Songs
Well being - After lunch today instead of yoga, I would like you to join in with these songs.
Winter "Snowman Dance"| Snowman Brain Break| Kids Movement Activity| Snowman Dance| Sing Play Create
Snow Man Freeze Song ⛄️ Freeze Dance ⛄️ Winter Song for Kids ⛄️ Brain Breaks by The Learning Station
Geography - Last week we learned how to sign different types of weather in Makaton. Can you remember any of the signs? Watch the video below to recap and teach someone in your house the signs. Next choose suitable clothing for a snowy day by playing 'The final snowdown' in your snowy weather homework section on education city.
Makaton Topic - WEATHER - Singing Hands
Mental Health - Watch the video below and finish off the day by expressing yourself. You might draw, read, paint, act out a story, dance, bake or play a game. You could have a try at the squiggle game and bring your creations into school next week.
Children's Mental Health Week 2021: Express Yourself
Squiggle Game Art Activity