Here are your activities for our time at home.
I would love to see some photos of your work at home.
Please send them to my email
Thank you.
Stay safe Pangolins
Welcome Back for the Summer Term Pangolins.
I hope you all enjoyed the Easter Holidays and are ready for lots of fun activities in the Summer Term.
I hope we will get lots of sunshine.
We will still remain in our class bubbles and our start time is 8.40am and we will finish at 2.50pm.
We are looking forward to getting back to School on Monday 8th March.
All classes are returning to school. Pangolin Class will remain in their class bubble and their class area.
Start time is 8.40am and we finish at 2.50pm.
Thank you for your support over the last two months during our remote learning.
We are very excited to be back to school.
We will post some of things we do in school over the next few weeks.
Janis, Karen, Niamh, Sandra and Sue.
Welcome to Pangolin Class
We are excited to be back in school and are looking forward to welcoming the Pangolins back. We will be in our Pangolin bubble for the day and will be regularly washing hands and cleaning surfaces as well as having fun and learning too.
Our school day will be a little different for now, our start time is 8.40am and we finish at 2.50pm.
Transport will be in touch to arrange pick up times with you.
Please could you send your child in clean clothes each day with spare clothes that we can keep in school. We also ask that you send in a packet of nappies at the start of term which we will store in our class bathroom.
At the moment, parents and carers are unable to come into school so any messages can be written in the Home School Books or a message can be left at the school office. Calls can only be returned at the end of the day due our class bubble.
We will be having lunch in class and we ask that there are NO NUTS OR SEEDS in any packed lunches due to allergies. Thank you.
We are unable to go swimming at the moment but we will let you know when this starts again. We are all excited for our new hydrotherapy pool in school. There are photos on our Facebook Page.
Janis - Class Teacher
Sandra, Sue, Karen our Teaching Assistants
Niamh our Apprentice
Tracey our Dinner Staff
We also supported by Cheryl and Kyra with our Speech and Language Therapy.
Pangolin Class follow the Sparkle Curriculum which is a sensory, play based curriculum. Each child has their own personalised objectives which are worked on daily through play and adult led activities.
Outside Play is important and we have access to our garden throughout the day.
We also access the trampoline for Rebound Therapy weekly.
We also have swimming and use the hydrotherapy pool (not at the present moment due to COVID-19)
These activities help the children develop their independence skills of dressing and undressing.
Visits to the community are also part of our curriculum, again not at the moment due to COVID-19
We will update the page showing you some of our activities throughout the term.
Good Morning Pangolins
Wednesday 6th January 2021
Thank you for your support during these strange times. We are beginning our new routine of a week in school and a week working from home.
I am will be putting work on the page each day.
I will explain some of our routines which you can do at home and then I will speak to you weekly to give some individual tasks and activities to complete. You will also be able to email me at and I will answer my emails during school hours 9-3.15pm.
Thank you
Monday 8th February 2021
Good Morning Pangolins. Our last week of Home Learning before Half Term.
Keep working on your dressing and undressing skills.
Time to get started with our Morning Greetings, then our story Little Red Riding Hood. Then a new number rhyme, 5 currant buns and then time to explore outside, it might be a snowy day.
Activity - Find yellow things at home or complete the colour matching sheet from your last home learning pack.
Time for our story Little Red Riding Hood.
Activity - Watch the story and listen to the songs.
Then complete the Little Red Riding Hood matching sheet. Talk about what happens in the story then match the pictures.
Play time.
Let your child choose an toy to play with. If you have the symbols get your child to give you the picture of what they want to play with.
Snack Time.
In class, we try lots of different snacks and we exchange symbols for our snacks. We have biscuits, breadsticks, crisps and raisins.
Time for Number.
Our new rhyme is 5 Currant Buns.
Activity - Sing the rhyme, exchange the penny for a bun from your Home Learning Pack. Play the 1 to 1 correspondence game by putting a penny in each square.
Time for Lunch.
Remember to try different foods and practice using a knife and fork to eat dinner.
Go outside and experience the weather which may be snowy if the weather forecast is correct.
Try to catch some snowflakes, splash in puddles. If there is lots of snow, build a snowman.
Come inside and have a nice warm snack.
Then watch Mr Tumble and practice the signs.
I think Pangolins have worked hard today.
Time for a snuggle and a story.
Bye Pangolins
Janis, Karen, Niamh, Sandra and Sue
Friday 29th January 2021
Hip Hip Hooray It’s Friday. Pangolins have worked hard this week.
We are looking forward to seeing you all next week in school.
Let’s get started on our jobs.
Keep working on those dressing skills and helping with breakfast.
Activity - Watch the story of Little Red Riding Hood.
Can you point to the different body parts in the story?
Activity - Mark Making.
You can make marks with pens,crayons, paints or shaving foam. Encourage your child to make marks on the paper.
How many different colours can you use?
Play a game, share a story, dance.
It’s Friday have fun.
Snack Time
Keep trying those different snacks.
Time for Number.
Activity - Sing the rhyme, point to the frogs as you count them. Complete the matching sheet.
Lunch Time.
Enjoy your lunch, try something different today, help your mum by taking your plate to the sink like we do in class.
Friday Afternoon is Golden Time, where we get a reward for our hard work.
Watch a film or favourite tv show, go for a walk, dance, play on your iPad.
Have a great weekend Pangolins.
We are looking forward to seeing you on Monday morning.
Stay Safe
Janis, Karen, Niamh, Sandra and Sue
Thursday 28th January 2021
Wow, Thursday already. I heard that the Pangolins are working this week, well done.
Today, we have our morning greeting, Little Red Riding Hood story, our number rhyme 5 Little Speckled Frogs, then hopefully a winter walk or if the weather is bad, look out the window and see what you can see.
Remember to keep working on those dressing skills and buttering your toast.
Activity - Watch the story Little Red Hood.
Point to the different parts of the body mentioned in the story.
Activity - Play the Listening game from your Home Learning Pack. What sounds can you hear ? Talk about the different sounds you can hear, naming each item and the sound.
Playtime - Your child may enjoy some time on their own. In class all the Pangolins like their own space and time. They need lots of adult support so they like their own time.
Snack Time
Keep using those symbols. Email me if you need any more symbols
Time for Number
Activity Sing the rhyme, point to the frogs as you sing the rhyme.
Lunch Time.
Keep trying those different foods Pangolins.
Our topic is Extreme Earth.
I would like you to go for a nice winter walk - how many things can you see?
If the weather is not nice, look out of the window and see what you can see.
Activity - Complete the winter matching sheets. Talk about each picture, naming it as your child matches it.
Another busy day for the Pangolins.
Stay safe
Janis, Karen, Niamh, Sandra and Sue.
Wednesday 27th January 2021
Good Morning Pangolins. Half way through the week.
Keep working on those dressing skills and those self-helps. I have loved seeing the photos of you buttering your toast.
Let’s get started.
Activity - Complete the colour matching task from your Home Learning Task.
Time for our story Little Red Riding Hood.
Activity - Point to the body parts in the story and in the song I love Red.
Can your child point to the characters on the screen. In class we have Grandma, Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood puppets.
Playtime - play alongside your child or let them have some free time on an activity of their own choice.
Snack time - keep trying those different foods.
Number Time
Activity - Sing the rhyme 5 Little Speckled Frogs. Encourage your child to point to the frogs as you count. Complete the frog matching number game in your Home Learning Pack.
Complete the Caterpillar matching sheet from your Home Learning Pack.
Lunch Time
Keep trying those different foods Pangolins. We are really proud of you exploring new foods.
Pick some rhymes to watch on either YouTube or a favourite in Pangolins is the BBC Nursery Rhyme site.
Wednesday would be our Rebound Afternoon so if you have a trampoline at home, please use it.
Remember to go for a walk too unless it is really cold.
If you have time, share a story.
You have worked hard today.
Well Done and stay safe.
Janis, Karen, Niamh, Sandra and Sue
Tuesday 26th January 2021
Remember to keep working on those self -help skills of dressing and helping with breakfast.
Hope the Pangolins are ready for another day of activities.
Activity - Time for the story Little Red Riding Hood.
Activity - Point to the different body parts in the story - eyes, ears and teeth as well the ones in the song I love red.
Activity - Share a story you have at home. Read the story, ask your child to find things in the pictures, name different things in the story.
Activity - Puzzles. Let your child complete an inset puzzle.
Playtime - Let your chid pick a toy and play alongside them. Talk about what is happening.
Snack Time - remember to use the symbols if you have them to let your child pick their own snack. In class we only give them the snacks for the snacks we have. Pangolins do like chocolate but we don’t always have chocolate in class.
Time for Numbers
Activity - Sing the rhyme, encourage your child to point to the frogs as you count them. Complete the frog matching game.
Encourage your child to try some new foods by exploring them with their hands, smelling them and maybe trying them.
The Pangolins are trying hard with new foods. In the last week some of them have tried lasagne, strawberries, grapes and yoghurt. We are so proud of them.
This afternoon have some fun.
Activity - Sensory Play
You can use anything for sensory play - here are some ideas, just use what you have at home.
Raw and cooked pasta
water with bubbles in
finger paints
Have fun and I think Pangolins have worked really hard today.
Stay Safe
Janis, Karen, Niamh, Sandra and Sue
It was lovely to see some of the Pangolins last week in school and for those still working at home it was good to see what you doing at home.
Time for another week working at home.
Let’s get started with our tasks for Monday.
Monday 25th January 2021
You can work on these tasks during the day and remember the activities are short, your child will benefit from working on these regularly.
Activity - Complete the colour matching sheet in your Home Learning Pack.
Time for Breakfast - if you have symbols at home, please let your child give you the symbol for their breakfast. I know some of the Pangolins love chocolate so they may want chocolate for breakfast !
Work on those independence skills by buttering their own toast.
Time for our story Little Red Riding Hood.
Activity - Practise signing red.
Activity - Colour the wolf and also give the wolf a disguise. Look though the clothes and pick out an outfit for the wolf so he can hide from the woodcutter. Cut out the clothes and stick them on the wolf.
I would love to see your disguised wolves.
Playtime- play alongside your child.
Snack time- another great time to exchange symbols - we use crisps but only give your child 2 crisps at a time so they have to request more.
Time for Numbers. A new rhyme this week Five Little Speckled Frogs.
Your pack has the rhyme, frogs and a number matching game.
Activity - Complete the number matching game.
Lunch Time.
Encourage your child to try new foods.
Remember to go for a walk each day. On the walk talk about what you can see and hear on your walk.
Activity - Sing along to the song and practise the signs.
Playtime - play alongside your child.
Remember to work on those dressing and undressing skills.
I think the Pangolins will have worked hard and deserve to watch their favourite programme on the tv.
Remember to have fun.
Janis, Karen, Niamh, Sandra and Sue
Friday 15th January 2021
Last day of home learning. I would love to see any work that you have done this week. Please send any pictures or comments to
Keep working on those dressing skills.
Time for Breakfast.
Then time for our story Little Red Riding Hood.
Activity : Point to different body parts, say them in a different order today.
Activity: Practise signing red
Activity- Mark Making. Use any pens, crayons or paints you have at home to make lots of marks on the paper. Your child will either hold the pen using their whole hand or in a tripod grip. Your child may still use both hands to make marks, don’t worry about this as they are still deciding which hand to use.
Play time- play with a toy or go outside if it not too cold.
Snack Time - Keep trying different snacks.
Activity Sing the rhyme with your child, count the ducks. Encourage your child to say quack and point to the ducks whilst you count them.
Lunch Time
Keep trying different foods Pangolins.
Friday Afternoon is Golden Time when the children are rewarded for their hard work and choose favourite things.
Some of our favourite things are iPads, paint and play dough and outside, if is not too cold.
Have a great week end Pangolins and see you on Monday.
Stay Safe
Janis, Karen, Niamh, Sandra and Sue
Thursday 14th January 2021
Hope you are staying safe at home Pangolins.
I have loved seeing your photos and I have used them in school to show everyone the work you been doing.
Activity: Keep working on those dressing skills.
Activity -Can you find Orange things in your house?
Breakfast Time - I hope you are trying different things and working on your self help skills by buttering your toast.
Time for our story Little Red Riding Hood.
Activity - Point to the body parts in the story - your ears, eyes and teeth.. watch out for any Wolves.
Activity -Practice signing red.
Activity - A Listening Game - Listen to things around the house, talk about what you can hear, there are some ideas on the sheet in the pack.
In my kitchen lots of things beep like the washing machine, the dishwasher and the oven. What can you hear in your house?
Playtime - play alongside your child, talk about what is happening.
Snack - Keeping trying different snack things. I do like a biscuit as well, my favourites are Oreos.
Lunch Time.
I hope you are trying different foods by exploring them with your hands.
On Thursday afternoon we work on making choices -we pick our own activity using our PECs symbols. Please contact me if you need symbols for home.
I would like you to put three toys out and let your child pick one. Once they have picked, play with the toy and talk about what you are doing.
Activity - Share a story with your child.
I think the Pangolins have worked hard today.
Stay Safe and we will see you soon.
Janis, Karen, Niamh, Sandra and Sue
Wednesday 13th January 2021
I hope that you all enjoyed your tasks yesterday. I enjoyed seeing the photos.
Here are today tasks.
Keep working on your dressing skills.
Activity - Can you find green things around your house ?
Time for breakfast. I hope you are all trying at choosing your breakfast and buttering your toast.
Time to watch the story of Little Red Riding Hood.
Activity - Practice signing red.
Activity - Matching game in your Home Learning Pack. You will need to cut out the pictures so your child can match them to the board. Talk about the pictures, name them and encourage your child to match them. Tell them to look again if they don’t match it the first time.
Play Time - let your child pick a toy and play alongside them and talk about what is happening.
Snack Time - I hope you are trying some different things for snack.
Activity - Sing 5 Little Ducks using the props from your pack. Encourage your child to say quack. Please point to the ducks as you count them.
Lunch Time
I hope you are trying different foods this week. Let your child explore new foods with their hands, smell it and maybe lick the food.
Activity- Time to sing some rhymes. Let your child pick a rhyme from the pack and sing with them.
Wednesday is our Rebound Afternoon.
If you have a trampoline at home, please keep using it as it is good exercise.
Also go for a walk, the weather forecast said it might be snowing so wrap up warm.
Another busy day, Pangolins.
Stay safe and keep sending in the photos.
Janis, Karen, Niamh, Sandra and Sue.
Tuesday 12th January 2021
I hope you all had fun yesterday.
Here are your tasks for today.
Activity- Dressing Skills. As you have plenty of time in the morning, let your child pick their clothes out and let the dress themselves. You help by putting tops over their heads so they have to put their arms in, feet in trousers so they have to pull them up, socks on their toes so they can pull them up.
This is a great life skill and will help you too. Don’t worry if things are inside out or on backwards - it is part of the learning process and you can show them when they get changed. We are all staying home so no-one will see us.
Activity- Can you find blue things in your house?
Breakfast Time- Please can you encourage your child to make a choice for their breakfast. Let them butter their own toast. We are developing our self-help skills.
Story: Please watch the Little Red Riding Hood Video.
Activity: Point to the different body parts especially eyes, ears and teeth just like in the story.
Activity - Practice signing red.
Activity - Share a story book you have at home. Read the story and ask your child to find things in the picture, name lots of different things.
Activity- Puzzles- Complete an inset puzzle.
Play time - let your child pick a toy, play alongside them and talk about what is happening.
Snack Time- Can you try some different snacks whilst you are at home? I like carrots for snack. Please let us know by email if you need any symbols so your child can ask for snacks.
Activity - Sing along to the rhyme, practice signing and counting along to the rhyme. Point to the ducks as you count them.
Lunch Time
Encourage your child to try some new foods, if they don’t want to eat them, explore them with their hands, smell them or maybe lick them.
Activity - Let your child pick a rhyme from the rhyme pack or sing your favourite rhymes. We sing rhymes everyday after lunch.
Activity - Play with salt dough. The recipe is in the home learning pack.
Have fun exploring the dough, squeeeze it, roll it and generally explore the dough. The dough will keep for a few days in a sealed tub.
Play time as our Pangolins have worked hard.
Don’t forget to go for a walk, if the weather is nice.
I like seeing your photos.
Have fun and Stay Safe.
Janis, Karen, Niamh, Sandra and Sue
Monday 11th January 2021
Here are your activities for Monday.
Activity: Can you find yellow things in your house?
Please could you encourage your child to make a choice for their breakfast. Let them butter their own toast. We are developing our self-help skills so this would be a great task to start with.
Story Time Little Red Riding Hood
Please watch the story and read the story to your child.
Activity: Point to different body parts especially eyes, ears and teeth just like the story.
Activity: Practice signing red.
Activity: Colour in Little Red Riding Hood - the sheet is in your home learning pack.
Play time
Let your child pick a toy, play alongside them and talk about what is happening.
Snack Time
Can you try some different snacks whilst you are at home? I like carrots for a snack.
Activity: Sing 5 Little Ducks, this is the rhyme of the week. Your home learning pack has the rhyme and the ducks and counting sheets. Sing the rhyme and encourage your child to say quack and point to the ducks as you count them.
Lunch Time
Encourage your child to try some new foods. If they don’t want to eat them, explore them with their hands, smell them and maybe even lick the food.
Time for some free time.
Afternoon Session.
Activity: Watch Mr Tumble sing his rhymes. Let your child pick a rhyme from the home learning pack and sing with them.
Play with toys, talk about what the toy is doing and lay alongside your child.
Don’t forget to go for a walk each day.
Remember to have fun. I would love to see photos of the Pangolins.
Stay safe.
Janis, Karen, Niamh, Sandra and Sue.
Our First Week Back at School.
The Pangolins are happy to be back at school. We have had a busy week, rebound therapy and outside play. We have painted some monkeys for our Jungle Jam display and exploring the cause and effect toys in class.
December 2020
The good news is that Santa can still visit on Christmas Eve.
We are getting ready to start our Christmas activities this week.
Our story is Dear Santa.