Hello Elephants! Hope you all had a good weekend! This week is National Storytelling week so I will be sharing some great stories for you to listen to every day. Remember to try and do some of the following activities and send me photos of your work.
Letters and Sounds - This week you are learning the 'ck' digraph. Watch the video below and complete your 'ck' booklet that is in your work pack.
Meet the Phonics Digraphs - ck
Literacy - Last we loved reading 'Elmer in the Snow'. Watch the story and show your parents the Makaton signs that we learned for 'Elmer, snow, cold and hot'. Design your own Elmer on the sheet in your pack. You might make your Elmer spotty, stripy, swirly or you might draw different shapes on him. Try to use lots of different colours and have a go at writing some labels to describe him.
Elmer In The Snow - Story Book
Maths - In Maths last week we started to learn to tell the time to o'clock. Watch the song below and have a try at answering the questions in the powerpoint. Practise making different times on the clock that you made that is in your work pack.
Hip-Hop Around the Clock | Learn How to Tell Time | Jack Hartmann
Yoga - Every day in school, after our lunch we do yoga. Today's yoga has got our sound of the week in it. Can you spot it?
Cracker The Dragon Of Wonder | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!
Makaton - Last week we learned how to sign lots of colours in Makaton so we could describe Elmer. Watch the video below and see if you can describe the Elmer that you designed this morning using the Makaton colours.
Makaton Topic - COLOURS - Singing Hands
Music - Today you are going to learn a song about Elmer. Listen to the song below a couple of times and try to join. Then see if you can add actions by signing the colours that you learned earlier.
Daily Mile - To finish off your day today try and do your daily mile like we do every day in school. If the Weather is nice you could go for a walk or get some exercise by playing in the garden.