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Morning Dragons,


I hope you are all well.


Here are today's lessons and activities:


Lexia: Please try to access Lexia for 20-30 minutes a day as this will help with your child’s phonics and reading comprehension.


Daily Mile: Exercise for 15 minutes – be creative and find exciting ways to exercise! Try your best to get the family involved.



Count to 10, 20, 50 and 100 (depending on the group you are in) – forwards/backwards and in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.

Adults, write down a sequence of numbers, ask the children to look away and cover one, two or three numbers before asking them which numbers are covered (quick-fire answers).


Complete the following worksheets:

Group 1: To recognise the missing numbers in a sequence of 10s.

Group 2: To recognise the missing numbers in a sequence of 5s.

Group 3: To add two-digit numbers using column addition (with regrouping).

Group 4: To add three-digit numbers using column addition (with regrouping).

Extension: Challenge your child to answer as many quick-fire questions (verbally) as they can in 2 minutes.


Review the worksheets and guide the children to self-correct by using the methods they know.



Literacy: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory


Recap chapter 17 (Augustus Gloop Goes up the Pipe). Discuss what you think will happen to him once he gets sucked up the pipe. Use the video from yesterday’s lesson for support and make some predictions based on the clues in the chapter.


Group 1: Write three tick sentences to predict what will happen to Augustus Gloop once he gets sucked up the pipe.

Group 2 & 3: Write four tick sentences to predict what will happen to Augustus Gloop once he gets sucked up the pipe.

Group 4: Write five tick sentences to predict what will happen to Augustus Gloop once he gets sucked up the pipe.


Encourage the children to use their imagination and story knowledge to make predict which are interesting and that match the story!


Review predictions and ask the children to expand on their predictions, giving more information on why they made their predictions.


See below ‘Marking Code’ for three/four/five tick sentences.

Phonics: see the below worksheets: 


Group 1: Complete the ‘oi’ phoneme spotter story. 

Group 2 & 3: Complete the ‘sk’ roll and read game.

Group 4: Complete the ‘oy’ phoneme spotter postcard.  

Handwriting: complete the next page of your handwriting booklet (see yesterday’s lessons/activities – 2-3-21).


Computing: We are Bug Fixers – Lesson 2


Spotting and correcting conceptual bugs

Scratch ‘Pong’ script:


Recap the below from last week:

Ask the pupils to describe what happens if they roll a ball towards a wall, either straight on or at an angle. Can they draw a picture to show how the ball would bounce? Do the experiment, changing the angle of impact. Are the pupils surprised? Can they come up with a rule to describe what happens?


Explain that often, programs have bugs because the programmer hasn’t fully understood the idea of what’s supposed to happen in the program – the bug lies in the concept for the program rather than the code. These sorts of logic bugs can be tricky to find and fix.


Let the pupils play the simple ‘pong’-style game listed in Resources. Do the pupils notice anything odd about the game? They should spot that the ball doesn’t bounce back correctly when it hits the bat (it always bounces off in the direction it came).


Make further changes to the game, perhaps allowing a number of lives, and keeping score.


Lesson 2:

Think of and make different changes to the game in order to make the game easier/harder (try the new versions of the game).


Write down three ways to make the game harder and three ways to make the game easier.


Thanks for sending your home learning pictures. Looks like you are really enjoying the lessons/activities. Keep up the hard work!


Don't forget it's 'World Book Day' tomorrow! I will upload a series of fun lessons, activities and fun ways to enjoy the day. 


Stay healthy and happy Dragons!


