Welcome to Jaguar Class
Welcome to Jaguar Class.
Jaguar Class is a class for children with Autism who are Upper Key Stage 1 and Lower Key Stage 2.
The class uses the TEACHH approach to help the children develop their independence and to consolidate their learning.
The class staff are Janis Moore, Class Teacher and the Teaching Assistants are Kyra and Helen and Grace, our Apprentice as well as Annette, HLTA for South America.
We will update this page weekly so keep checking.
Thank you Jaguar Class.
Summer Term 2019
Our topic this term is The World and Explorers.
We are going to be learning about...
Geography - The Weather
History - Captain Cook
DT - Picnics
Science - Animals
Spring Term 2019
We hope that you all had a good break and made lots of good memories.
Our topic this term is Stories.
Week beginning 7th January 2019
This week we are learning about:
Literacy- our story is The Three Little Pigs. We are using props to act out the story, making Wanted posters for the Big Bad Wolf.
Letters and Sounds - we are working on our listening and attention skills and some letter sounds as well as working on our blending and reading skills.
Maths - we are working on counting and ordering numbers to 5/10/20 and beyond.
DT - We are making Three Little Pig finger puppets and working on our cutting skills.
Music - We are using our finger puppets to join in with the Little Pig songs.
Bus- we are going to visit the library in town to share some stories.
Hydrotherapy Pool
PHSE with Annette
Science - learning about houses and things we find in our houses and we are also beginning some work on electricity. The children will be making toast with adult support and looking at the changes in the bread and what made the toaster work.
PE and Soft Play - Gymnastic Skills
Please check the websites for updates.
Week beginning 14th January 2019
We had a busy first week back.
This week we are learning about...
Literacy- The Three Little Pigs, we are describing the story setting, handwriting practice and reading.
Phonics - working on our listening and attention skills, early play skills, sorting words by their initial sound, practicing our reading skills.
Maths - we are counting and ordering numbers to 5/10 and 20. Some of us are working on odd and even numbers.
Rebound Therapy and Soft Play
DT - we are making wolf masks linked to our story and our music work.
Music - we are playing the part of the Big Bad Wolf from the Three Little Pigs.
Bus - we are going to look at some old and new houses around Hartlepool, linked to our Science.
Science - Sorting things that use electricity.
PE and Soft Play
PHSE/Art with Annette our HLTA.
Another busy week. We will post our Wolf Masks after we have made them.
Thank you for your continued support.
Week beginning 21st January 2019
This week we are learning about...
Literacy - The Three Little Pigs - we are learning about the characters in the story and sequencing the story.
Letters and Sounds - We are working on listening and attention skills as well as working alongside our friends in class. We are learning about letter sounds and how we use them to read.
Maths - Calculating, we are learning to add some items to a group, adding two sets of objects/numbers/numicon shapes and learning how to half and quarter a set of objects.
Rebound Therapy and Soft Play
DT - making a moving cat puppet and a flying bat puppet.
Music - Using our puppets to move to the song "The Cat and the Bat".
Bus - a trip to see old and new houses around Hartlepool.
Hydrotherapy Pool
Science - sorting things that use Electricity (including batteries)
PHSE/Art with Annette our HLTA.
Keep checking for photographs during the week.
Week beginning 28th January 2019
This week we are learning about...
Literacy - Our story is The Snail and The Whale. We are exploring the props and also handwriting activities.
Letters and Sounds - Working on our Listening and Attention Skills, turn taking and practicing our reading skills.
Maths - adding two sets of objects and fractions.
Rebound Therapy and Soft Play
DT - Making a frog hand puppet.
Music - Listening to the Wide Mouth Frog Song.
Bus - Visiting a cafe for a drink as part of our PHSE work.
Hydrotherapy Pool
PHSE and Art with Annette our HLTA.
Please check back for photographs and some of our work.
Week beginning 25th February 2019
We hope you enjoyed the break and the lovely sunshine.
This week we are learning about...
Literacy - Handa's Surprise - retelling the story with the props, colouring the animals from the story, handwriting and in our outside area with role play.
Phonics - working on our listening and attention and play skills, letter sounds and developing our communications.
Maths - Adding and some fractions.
Rebound Therapy and Soft Play
Music with Tees Valley Music Service
Geography - learning about water.
Bus - visit to the Marina to look at the water
Hydrotherapy Pool
PHSE with Annette our HLTA
Science - making our own circuit to light a bulb.
Keep checking back for pictures.
Week beginning 18th March 2019
This week we are learning about...
Literacy - Our story is Pirates Love Underpants. We are having a pirate treasure hunt, decorating underpants as well as handwriting.
Letters and Sounds- Working on our play skills, Lego Bug Club, Practice reading words and listening to initial sounds in words.
Maths -Time, sequencing days of the week, listening to the Very Hungry Caterpillar and learning about o'clocks.
Music with Mike from Tees Valley Music Service
Bus- Trip to Lidl to get supplies for class.
Hydrotherapy Pool
Rebound and Soft Play
Please check back for photographs of what we are doing in class.
Week beginning 25th March 2019
Another busy week in Jaguar Class.
This week we are..
Literacy: Reading Pirates love Underpants. We are really enjoying our time as pirates. We have made pirates as we listened to instructions. We are also making Pirate wanted posters. Plus working on our handwriting.
Maths - learning about shapes and their properties.
West View Project Forest Day - going to hunt for the golden underpants in the forest!
Letters and Sounds - working on play skills, listening skills and following instructions as well as working on reading some words and listening to the initial sound in words.
Bus - Visit to Tees Barrage to look at the water in the barrage and how fast it flows as part of our Geography Work.
Geography - making Incy Wincy Spiders who come down the water spout and finding different water sources around school.
PE and Soft Play
Rebound and Soft Play.
PHSE and Art with Annette our HLTA.
Week beginning 2nd April 2019
The last week of the Spring Term.
This week we are learning about..
Literacy - Pirates Love Underpants - sequencing the story, acting out parts of the story.
Phonics - Lego Bug Club, working alongside others and working on our listening skills.
Maths - working on 3D shapes.
Rebound and Soft Play
RE - The Easter Story
Music with Mike from Tees Valley Music Service
The Easter Service at St. Hilds.
Thank you for your support over the last term.
Jaguar Class
Attention Autism
Jaguar Class are following the Attention Autism programme developed by Gina Davies which helps develop attention and focus and then can be used to consolidate learning skills.
We are working on Stage 1 at the moment to develop attention and enthusiasm on adult -led activities.
Stage 1 is the bucket phase where the bucket has lots of exciting toys inside such as moving birds and the children watch the toys and share the staff's excitement.
Jaguar Class are really enjoying this activity and we will let you more about the programme as we progress through it.
If you want to know more there is a Facebook page Gina Davies Autism Centre which also has lots of good tips and ideas. There are also some videos on Youtube showing some of the stages.
Every afternoon Jaguar Class take part in Yoga sessions. Our first video is below.
The video is a short one to start and we will build up to longer sessions over the year.
Week beginning 17th September 2018
This week we are learning about:
Literacy Our story is Giraffes can't Dance.
Maths - counting and adding
Rebound Therapy and Soft Play
DT -exploring bubbles and problem solving to wash some animals for Old McDonald
ICT - using our voices and recording them.
Bus Visit to the town to look at things that help us to keep clean.
Science - naming our body parts.
Week beginning 24th September 2018
This week we are learning about..
Literacy: Our story is Oliver's Vegetables and we will be trying some of the vegetables from the story also practicing our handwriting and mark making skills.
Phonics - we will be working on our listening and attention skills, play skills and learning about the letter p. We will also be practising spelling and reading words.
Maths- we are working on adding two groups of objects, counting out objects and recognising numbers. Some of us are working on number bonds and looking for patterns in the number bonds.
Rebound and Soft Play
DT - looking at clothes that keep us warm in winter and cool in the summer.
ICT - using a microphone.
Bus - a trip to town to see the things we need to keep us clean - It was too windy last week so we did not go out on the bus.
There is also a visit from Maisie the PAT dog this week.
Science- Looking at different ways we can move.
Week beginning 1st October 2018
This week we are learning about ...
Literacy -our story is Oliver's Vegetables
Maths - Adding and Counting
Phonics - working on our listening and attention skills, plus the letter i and sorting letter sounds.
Rebound and Soft Play
DT - Making Hats
ICT - talking into a microphone
Bus - trip to Ward Jackson Park for an Autumn Walk and collect things for Autumn Art.
Art- Autumn collages
Science - different ways of moving
Hydrotherapy Pool.
Week beginning 8th October 2018
This week we are learning about
Literacy -Oliver's Vegetables - sequencing the story and retelling what happens in the story.
Maths - Adding and counting
Phonics - working on our listening and attention through stories, rhymes as well as segmenting and blending words, the n sound and ch sounds.
Soft Play
Science - looking at different ways we can move our bodies.
DT - designing and making dancing dolls or teddies.
ICT - talking into a microphone
Art - drawing fruit and making salt dough fruits
Science - looking at how we change as we grow up.
Keep checking back for photos.
Week beginning 22nd October 2018
The last week before the holidays.
Literacy - Finishing off our story Oliver's Vegetables
Maths - 2D and 3D shapes
Phonics - developing our listening and attention skills through stories and rhymes.
Rebound Therapy and Soft Play
DT - making necklaces using pasta or buttons and practising our threading skills
ICT - creating our own playlist of songs using Spotify
History - The history of Bonfire Night and having a party with glow sticks for fireworks, hot dogs and hot chocolate.
Hope you have a relaxing half term.
Jaguar Class.
Welcome Back after Half Term
Week beginning 5th November 2018
This week we are learning about...
Literacy - Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Maths - Data Handling -sorting and some simple graphs.
Letters and Sounds - developing our listening and attention skills, practising reading and making words, letter formation and letter sounds.
Rebound Therapy and Soft Play
RE- Learning about Shabbat
ICT - Learning to email and sending letters to the Three Bears from Goldilocks.
Geography - Visiting the Supermarket to look at foods around the World.
Trying foods from different countries and matching them on a map.
Hydrotherapy Pool
Keep checking for photos and some of our work.
Week beginning 19th November 2018
This week we are learning about.....
Literacy -Goldilocks and the three bears. We are tasting porridge this week, practicing our handwriting.
On Wednesday the ladies from the library visit to tell stories and do a craft with us.
Phonics - we are practicing our listening and attention skills, learning about different letter sounds and making some words.
Maths - we are learning about data handling, sorting and making some simple graphs.
Rebound Therapy and Soft Play
Individual Reading Session with an adult.
History - Starting our work on Florence Nightingale by learning about who helps us when we are ill.
ICT - we are emailing the Three Bears.
Bus - Visit to Pets at Home to look at the animals and things you need to care for animals.
Hydrotherapy Pool
Geography - learning about where food comes from.
Keep checking to see what we are doing.
Week beginning 3rd December 2018
Only 3 weeks left of the Autumn Term and we are still very busy.
Literacy - Goldilocks and the Three Bears - looking at the story setting of the cottage in the words and the characters in the story.
Letters and Sounds - developing our listening and attention skills, plus the letter c and qu along with spelling and reading words and developing our communication skills.
Maths - Money, recognising coins, adding coins and enjoying number rhymes - 5 Currant Buns.
Rebound and Soft Play
Christmas Crafts
History - Florence Nightingale and looking at nurses in the past.
Bus - Trip to supermarket to buy some things for class linked to our maths work.
Science - Matching animals and their babies.
Hydrotherapy Pool
Keep checking for photographs.