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02.11.20 - 06.11.20

Morning Lions, 

I hope you are all feeling well and you have had a nice half term with your family. Our learning this week is based on the theme of 'Bonfire Night'. Parents/Carers could you please support your child to work through the home learning tasks below this week. I'm looking forward to when you can all return back to school.

Thanks Jane

This is our main sensory story this week. Please can you read this story: 'On Bonfire Night' to your child each day.

Show your child how to do the Makaton signs for BONFIRE and FIREWORK.

Watch this 'Firework Party' video. If you have your own little garden firework display this week, draw your child's attention to the colours they see, describe the smell in the air and the sounds they hear e.g. whizz, zoom, bang! etc

Firework Party is a song that talks about some amazing display up on the sky.

Let your child watch this video showing a firework display. It will be more effective if your child can watch this in a darkened room. You can demonstrate to your child some of the key Makaton signs e.g. shine, night, fireworks, colours, shoot across sky etc.

Firework (Katy Perry) - Makaton Sign Language

Sparkly Fireworks Sensory Play - Mix up some hair gel, glitter and pompoms/small bits of tinsel to represent the fireworks in a tub. Encourage the children to explore by squishing and squeezing the gel. How do they respond? To develop their fine motor skills - Can they pick out a small glittery pompom? If you place black paper underneath your tub, it will reflect the night sky.

Here are some more stories about 'Bonfire Night' that you can read you your child at home this week.

Ten Little Rockets

Little rockets are going into space! Where are they going? Can you count from 1-10 and back again?

Remember exercise is good for you!

Please help your child to move their bodies everyday especially stretching their arms and legs. Apply the children's arm/leg/foot/hands splints up to twice a day if possible. The children can complete their physiotherapy plans at home too. If you child has a stander/walker at home put them in it as much as you can. 

Standing not only benefits your child's health and well-being but it also improves their range of motion.
