Toucan class is made up of 8 gorgeous children and five members of staff. Our teacher is Sarah and our teaching assistants are: Nicky, Niamh and Alisha. Our apprentice is Caitlin and our HLTA is Annette.
The children follow an adapted multi-sensory curriculum appropriate to their individual needs. Within school, we will follow the "Sparkle " pathway.
We follow the TEACCH approach at regular intervals throughout the day.
Important dates:-
Beginning of the new Summer term - Monday the 25th of April.
Bank Holiday - Monday the 2nd of May.
We finish for half-term on Friday the 27th of May and return to school on Monday the 6th of June.
Our weekly PE session will be on alternate Fridays. Please send in a PE kit for the session. This should consist of; shorts, a T-shirt and gym shoes. We will keep the PE kit in school and send it home every half-term.
Our weekly swimming session will take place on a Thursday. Please ensure each child has the correct swimwear. We will swim in our pool here at Springwell.
This morning was sports morning. We all had a fabulous time out in the sunshine playing with all of our friends and lots of different equipment.
Tuesday the 5th of July-
A Squash and a Squeeze- Literacy and Communication and Language-
Today we began reading our new text, "A Squash a and a Squeeze." We read the text together and whilst we listened, we put the animals into the house. This was a huge squash! After this, we built our own new house for the little old lady from building blocks.
Monday the 4th of July-
Maths -
Today, in Maths, we were practising our counting. Some of us counted from 1-5 and some of us counted from 1-10. We counted the numbers on the leaves first and then we tried to match the number of buttons to the number on the leaves. Well done Toucans, a very tricky job!
Tuesday the 28th of June-
Personal, Social, Emotional Development-
Toucans have had a fantastic day today! We have been out and about on the bus. We began our day at North Gare where we played in the sand, kicked a ball around and built some sandcastles. We then moved to Seaton Carew where we chose an ice cream or an ice lolly. We then moved to the Headland where we had our lunch and played in the park. We had a little walk before returning to school. A lovely day spent together outside.
Monday the 20th of June-
Expressive Arts and Design -
Today, the Toucan children all took part in making the beanstalk for our classroom display. We used green paper, green paint , glitter and buttons. We all had a fantastic time and some of us found some paint on our clothes! Our finished beanstalk looks amazing on the classroom wall.
Monday the 6th of June -
This week, Toucan class began their new text. We are now reading the story of "Jack and the Beanstalk." We listened to the story and then explored some different types of beans. After that, we used our fine motor skills to move the beans around using a pair of tweezers. This is a very tricky job!
Wednesday the 25th of May-
Personal, Social and Emotional Development-
Today, as part of our Jubilee celebrations, we visited Throston school to work alongside their staff and children. We tasted some punch, from Jamaica, and we also made a sea turtle . This animal is native to Jamaica. We enjoyed ourselves very much and it was lovely to work with other children and their staff.
Tuesday the 24th of May-
Personal, Social and Emotional Development-
Today, in Toucan class, we continued our Jubilee celebrations. We went to watch a special Jubilee performance. It was multi-sensory and we absolutely loved it! The children joined in with the performance and thoroughly enjoyed themselves!
Week beginning - 23.5.22-
Expressive Arts and Design-
This week we will be celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee with lots of different activities.
On Monday, we made some crowns and created our own outline of the Queen using tissue paper. All of the Toucans tried really hard and used their fine motor skills to pick up the tissue paper and glue it to the paper.
Week beginning - Monday the 16th of May-
Knowledge and Understanding of the World-
This week, Toucan class visited the beach. We visited the Headland to support our understanding of our text, "The Three Little Pigs."
We collected some stones to show that they wouldn't blow over when the wolf came to visit.
We had a great time at the beach and the weather was very sunny and warm.
Tuesday the 3rd of May - Knowledge and Understanding of the World-
Today, as part of our topic on Home and Away, we went on a walk around the local area. We looked at different houses. We talked about the different types of housing and named them - flats, bungalows, semi-detached houses. We had a lovely walk and everyone walked very sensibly.
Friday the 29th of April - Physical Development-
Today, we walked to Ward Jackson Park to collect some sticks to support our learning on "The Three Little Pigs." It was a long walk and we were tired when we got back to school but we had found lots of sticks and we had all had a great time.
Tuesday the 26th of April - Number-
Today, we have been counting to three. We sang some nursery rhymes to begin with and then counted out some different objects. To finish, we wrote the number 3 using different materials.
Monday the 25th of April - Knowledge and Understanding of the World -
Today, we began reading our new text, "The Three Little Pigs." When we had read the text, we investigated the different types of materials used by the pigs. We tried to blow away the straws, the sticks and the bricks , just as the wolf had done. This was trickier than it looked!
When we had finished, we built a house ourselves using the different materials.
Wednesday the 30th of March-
Today, we have been using some positional language in class. We have been using the words ,"in," "under" and "on."
The Toucans were fantastic at understanding the meanings of some of these new words. We hope to try out these new words now in other situations. Well done Toucans!
Tuesday the 29th of March-
Today, we got out the musical instruments! We listened to the nursery rhymes and played along to the music. We investigated lots of musical instruments. Some of the Toucans had fantastic rhythm and we had lots of fun dancing and singing along to the music.
Monday the 28th of March-
Today, we have been concentrating on our fine motor skills. We have been using tongs to move pegs from one tub to another and we have also been using pegs and pegboards. All of the Toucans displayed lots of patience and worked really hard today.
Tuesday the 15th of March - Ward Jackson Park-
Today, we went to Ward Jackson Park. We walked all the way there and it was a beautiful, sunny day. We also took Cheryl, our Speech and Language Assistant with us. She supported the children in their language development. We had a fantastic time!
Monday the 14th of March-
Today, we took turns to blow bubbles by ourselves. We had a lot of fun, although some of us were keener on the bubbles than others! We all tried really hard and were very patient with one another when waiting for our turn.
Swimming- Thursday the 10th 0f March-
During World Book Day, we read "The Big Red Bath." There are lots of bubbles in this story. Today, we went swimming and blew bubbles in the pool. We also spent time playing in the bubbles in the water.
World Book Day- Thursday the 3rd of March-
Today, was World Book Day. Look how fantastic we all looked in our different clothes!
Tuesday the 15th of February-
Today, we had our weekly Communication session with Cheryl. We are all working with PECS at different stages. Our sessions are always fun and the Toucans are improving all the time. Well done Toucans and well done Cheryl!
Week beginning the 7th of February-
This week is Children's Mental Health Week. The theme for this year is "Growing Together." Here are some pictures of us growing together whilst we are playing together.
The pictures below are also of our "Dress to Express" day on Friday. How fantastic did we look?
Thursday the 3rd of February-
Today was the day we had our Teddy Bear's Picnic. We have been reading "Whatever Next!" in class and in the story bear and owl have a picnic on the moon. Toucan class decided to have a picnic in their classroom. The Toucans brought in their favourite teddy bear (some staff did too! ) and we all brought in different snacks. We had lots of fun sharing our toys and food.
Week Beginning the 31st of January-
On Tuesday of this week, it was Chinese New Year. We celebrated in Toucan class by designing Chinese lanterns and by making Chinese dragons. We also tasted some Chinese food. We particularly liked the prawn crackers!
Week beginning -24th of January-
This week , we have been concentrating on early mark making. Here are some pictures of Toucan class concentrating on these skills-
Friday the 21st of January-
Here is our corridor display linked to our whole school theme this term, The Future.
Today Toucan class went to the Wacky Warehouse for our lunch and soft play. We went with our friends from Jaguar class. We all had an amazing time. Everyone loved their dinner and enjoyed a play afterwards. Well done Toucans!
Monday the 6th of December -
Today, two donkeys came to visit us in our playground .We had only just been singing "Little Donkey" when they arrived! We went out to look at them. They looked very smart and they were very well behaved. Some of us were a bit worried about the donkeys but all of us went out to see them. Well done Toucan class!
Wednesday the 24th of November-
No Pens Day-
Today was No Pens Day. This is something that takes place every year here at Springwell. It is an exciting day when we work collaboratively with our Speech and Language Assistant Cheryl who thinks of lots of interesting activities to complete.
Today, we completed a sensory walk outside.
We took off our shoes and socks and splodged about in chopped tomatoes, pink ice, mushy peas and lots of other items that were the colours of the rainbow.
We were a bit wary at first but then we loved it!
We had very messy feet!
Wednesday the 17th of November-
This week is Anti-Bullying Week and the theme is "One Kind Word." We wore our odd socks today for assembly . Assembly was very different today as it took place outside. We had a lot of fun playing with children from other classes and their teachers. We also played with new and exciting games. Here are some pictures of us enjoying ourselves this morning.
Thursday the 4th of November-
Today, we have been swimming. We had lots of fun in the water today and all got very wet!